Friday, August 03, 2007

Why TNA Interests Me More Than WWE

You know what, I've fallen victim to the "TNA is more interesting than WWE" bandwagon. And it really is. WWE to me is just really redundant. You see the same things over and over again. With TNA I'm seeing faster paced matches & just more interesting moves. Yeah, I know TNA sort of picked up the dregs of the wrestling worlds TV people who have fallen out of WWE grace. Here are a just a few reasons why.

  • TNA has more interesting characters. Seriously, Serotonin is something you'd never see in WWE, only in TNA would I ever see that. TNA has more interesting storylines, WWE is just the same things over and over again, redundant as I've stated before. Plus, who doesn't love Shark Boy? Seriously kid.
  • I see better moves. I love watching AJ Styles fly around the ring. He's just really good at what he does, which is just what I think. I mean yeah, the Swanton Bomb was really cool for a while, but when you guys going out there doing stuff I've never seen, that's when it's just great. My applause goes to AJ Styles for really drawing me in.
  • Everyone there is just a nicer personality. I mean yeah, TNA is more serious than WWE but the intensity with which these people wrestle you can just tell. Plus, AJ Styles makes me laugh with the fact that after Christian Cage walks away he always has something to say. Plus, Tomko and he's toy belt, come on now, funny.
  • They've got Sting, Devon, Bubba Ray, Test, Kevin Nash, the Steiners & Raven. Nuff said on that subject.
  • All of the good people from WWE from jumping ship and going to TNA, so therefore all the people I enjoy watching will be going to TNA. Test, even though he wasn't signed to WWE at the time, went over, and I love that guy. Plus, with the way Jeff Hardy is going we'll be seeing him back soon. Trust me.
  • TNA has better stables and better tandem teams over all. Plus the young ones are great, I do remember Motor City Machine Guns and Triple X the best. They just interest me a lot. Plus, the Steiners, seriously.

Personally, TNA just does it more for me that WWE does. Sure, WWE has a better Wellness Policy, last time I checked they aren't asking TNA for files on their drug testing policy, trust me now I know they have one, it's just not as inclusive as WWE's.

If anyone has any comments, tell me. I'm just starting to think that TNA is going really extreme while WWE is trying to clean up, I like extreme. Which ECW just isn't anymore. Oh, and nice attempt by trying to use Johnny Nitro (I will forever call him that he's just a dork now) and Elijah Burke to win me over, it's just not working.

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