Thursday, August 16, 2007

I Hate TNA

Seriously, I was thinking about it today and I hate TNA. They just don't develop characters right and they spread themselves too thin. They hype ex-WWE guys more than they hype TNA Originals. Like Raven, he's a great wrestler and promo cutter and deserves some stuff. Matt Bentley was promising, but they fudged up the Serotonin storyline so first Matt, and then Jonnie, and then Raven. It's just how things are gonna go down. And, hopefully, we see them go to WWE, maybe not in the same way but Raven will always be Raven and I'll love to see him back in WWE. He has a better show on ECW as an ECW Original. Can you say Raven/Dreamer storyline all over again? I do.

Tonight, August 16th, is my last episode of TNA. They have disappointed me and thrown wool over my eyes so that I don't see what they're about. Plus, they don't have a drug testing policy. I'd rather them having a drug testing policy. Therefore, I choose WWE.

Way to fall short TNA. From now on I'll only be following Raven/Havok news from TNA.

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