Friday, August 31, 2007

And My Smile Faded ..

That whole Samoa Joe thing is a rumor. Now I'm disappointed.

That's what I get I guess.


Whoa Whoa Whoa .. What?

I just read on the card for No Surrender and it will be Kurt Angle vs. Jay Lethal for the X Division title. Didn't Christopher Daniel's recently win a gauntlet to be #1 Contender for that title? What happened here?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

More Information On The Wellness Bust

Here is an article that I got off I'm sure this'll explain things better than I can.

- At this point, no names have been confirmed to be suspended by WWE.
Earlier today, WWE did confirm that 10 unnamed WWE superstars had been
suspended. Late this afternoon, The New York Daily News revealed several WWE
superstars' names that came up in the Albany, NY DA's investigation into
Signature Pharmacy. Here are the names that The NY Daily News revealed:

Randy Orton, Charles Haas, Adam "Edge" Copeland, Robert "Booker"
Huffman, Shane Helms, Mike "Simon Dean" Bucci, Anthony "Santino Marella"
Carelli, John "Morrison" Hennigan, Darren "William Regal" Matthews, Ken
"Kennedy" Anderson and Chavo Guerrero.

- Later this evening, ESPN named more superstars that were clients of
Signature Pharmacy. The names ESPN revealed are:

Shoichi Funaki, Dave "Batista" Bautista, Chris "Masters" Mordetsky in
addition to Edge, Morrison and Helms who were previously mentioned.

- Around 7PM this evening, The New York Daily News updated its article
adding Eddie "Umaga" Fatu to the list of clients for Signature Pharmacy.
also issued a detailed list of WWE superstars receiving shipments of drugs which
you can read here on the site.

- So far, the WWE is refusing to list of suspended names but they have
confirmed they issued the suspensions based on independent information received
by the Albany DA. WWE is the first organization to reprimand its employees in
the Signature Pharmacy scandal. Investigators say they expect numerous stars
from Major League Baseball and The NFL to emerge soon as well.

It's obvious that this has rocked WWE to the core at a very bad time
for the company as they prepare for the Congressional hearings. We will keep you
up to date on any breaking information as soon as it becomes available.

I'll keep you updated too.

10 WWE Stars Suspended

Dude, I'm amazed. Seriously, WWE is sort of stepping up to the plate now and I guess they aren't afraid to give their talent the finger. Which is excellent because they've been needing to do that for a while. I've got a list here of names that were "supposedly" involved in this. I got this list of names from so don't blame me if they're wrong and don't hold me accountable, they're the first names I've read so I figured I'd pass them along. If I read a different list or if I see names multiple times we'll know something's up but I'll post every new list I see.

And the supposed victims are: Randy Orton, Charlie Haas , Edge, King Booker, Shane Helms, Mike Bucci (Simon Dean), Santino Marella, John Morrison, William Regal, Mr. Kennedy and Chavo Guerrero. I'm laughing right now because some of these names I highly doubt and I think it's odd that a guy with a neck injury is suspended when he's already out until mid-2008 anyway (Shane Helms). And Edge is out too with an injury so .. I wonder how they'll tack that on. I just think this list is funny as hell though and definately disputable. I'm just too lazy to dispute them right now but about 75% of this has to be wrong.

Also, tonight and next week I will be watching TNA iMPACT! because of the plain fact I'm bored and tonight the Motor City Machine Guns are wrestling. Next week Raven's wrestling so it'll be a fun little time watching TNA. I'm also going to see what's supposed to be happening at No Surrender since I haven't heard of any matches on and why they're on it. We'll just have to see.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Summerslam Rights .. and Wrongs

Hey, I really didn't do that bad this time! Let's see my run down ...
Here are the ones that are correct:
  • Kane vs. Finley - I didn't offer a opinion therefore I was right either way. Obviously I was leaning Kane. WINNER: Kane / MY CHOICE: No effin' clue
  • Uma(n)ga vs. Mrrrrrr. Kennedy vs. Carlito - I made two choices for this one, Umaga or Kennedy. And Umaga came out on top and on Raw we saw exactly why. Because Hardy is back and they're bringing that storyline back. WINNER: UMA(N)GA / MY CHOICE(S): UMA(N)GA or MR. KENNEDY
  • Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero - I don't need to explain. WINNER: REY REY / MY CHOICE: REY REY
  • Diva's Battle Royal - Now this one I was surprised I got even the bottom four remotely right. I said it would come down to two divas from Raw and two divas from Smackdown. I got the two Raw ones exactly, Melina & Beth Phoenix (who went on to win it). The two Smackdown ones were Michelle McCool (one of my choices) and Torrie Wilson (not one of them). I thought Victoria would be there rather than Torrie, but I think I was close enough. I was leaning really hard towards Beth, and I guess I was right. WINNER: BETH PHOENIX / MY CHOICE(S): VICTORIA, **BETH PHOENIX**, MELINA or MICHELLE MCCOOL
  • Triple H vs. King Booker - Refer to Rey vs. Chavo. WINNER: TRIPLE H / MY CHOICE: TRIPLE H
  • The Great Khali vs. Batista - I was right, but not in the way I thought. I thought Batista would get a pin and win the title but obviously I believe it was a DQ of some sort (I don't remember and I don't have the results right in front of me at the moment) so the title didn't change hands. I was still right thought because Batista did win. WINNER: BATISTA / MY CHOICE: BATISTA

So, those were the ones I was right on, there were only two I was wrong on and I don't understand what the hell is going through WWE's minds with these but here goes.

  • CM Punk vs. John Morrison - Alright, I have no clue what the hell happened here but obviously it wasn't normal. Now we know it's just to push BDV so it was basically a BS Summerslam "Yay Let's Give Joey and Taz Something To Do" match. I feel really bad for Taz and Joey, all they do is sit there and doing nothing and twiddle their thumbs except for one match. Why didn't they fall asleep like I do in Math class? WINNER: JOHN MORRISON / MY CHOICE: CM PUNK
  • John Cena vs. Randy Orton - I was all for the RKO but the FU stood through and now I'm just annoyed. I'll never deny John Cena's talent for a minute, but they need to do something here. I mean the matches for all these titles now are just BS. Oh man I wish I was in Creative, I'd get the ball rolling here. Oh I'd be wonderful. :) But that'll never happen. Anyway, the result of this match pissed me off, what's next for Cena? Probably something boring. WINNER: JOHN CENA / MY CHOICE: RANDY ORTON

That is as far as that goes. I hate to give away a spoiler but Raven is going to be on next Thursday's ( Sept. 6) episode of TNA iMPACT! facing Samoa Joe. I'm not going to go into details about what happened in the match but maybe we'll see Raven get into this whole tango with Samoa Joe and all those homeboys. Or is my buddy gonna stay a jobber? I wish I knew.

Quoth Mander,
(Heck yes I just ripped him off and I will be until I get bored)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Summerslam Predictions

Ahh, my non-informed opinions. (In Order from Beginning to End of Show .. I think) ..
  • Kane vs. Finley - This is really just a time killer match (you can tell) so I really don't know who is gonna win on this one. I do know we'll see a Hornswoggle/Noble run in which could make this match anyone's ball game. Plus, this is probably filling in for the Matt Hardy vs. MVP match that won't happen because of MVP's heart condition. PROBABLE WINNER: No effin' clue.
  • Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero - It has to be Rey-Rey, you don't come back to a loss unless you're a jobber. I mean yeah, Chavo has been going crazy but still, he'll put up a good fight but Rey-Rey will come out on top. Speaking of which, Rey Rey was on Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld on Friday. PROBABLE WINNER: Rey Rey
  • Diva's Battle Royal - Once again, anyone's ball game. I have no clue. It will come down to at least one chick from Raw and one chick from Smackdown. There isn't a enough time on ECW to have a women's champion. I think we'll also see some guy involvement too (think Miz, Dykstra, Mahoney, Wang Yang). It'll come down to either Beth Phoenix or Melina vs. McCool or Victoria. PROBABLE WINNER: Phoenix, Melina, McCool, or Victoria
  • Triple H vs. King Booker - Triple H is the King of Kings. And this is one of those "you don't lose on your return match when you're a headliner" type of deals. PROBABLE WINNER: Triple H
  • Umaga (or Umanga as Regal so eloquently states) vs. Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Kennedy vs. Carlito (nothing special?) - Damn. Really hard one. Ummm, let's see. I think Uma(n)ga is gonna keep it because this is basically gonna come down to Kennedy & Carlito beating the snot out of one another for 5 minutes while Uma(n)ga waits in the shadows and strikes (like he did on Monday). There is also a sly chance that Kennedy could win since they've been trying to push him. PROBABLE WINNER: Uma(n)ga or Kennedy
  • John Morrison vs. CM Punk - "You're time is up, my time is now." PROBABLE WINNER: CM Punk
  • The Great Khali vs. Batista - Batista, after that display on Friday and the fact he can counter the claw now and knowing that once you take Khali off his vertical base he's worthless. Batista allllllll the way. PROBABLE WINNER: Batista
  • John Cena vs. Randy Orton - I'm leaning toward Randy Orton. John's almost at a year and it seriously just needs to change hands. Fans are getting pissed off and I think WWE is beginning to sense that. Plus, the word on the street is that HHH is supposed to feud with Orton over the title, which would be something to see. PROBABLE WINNR: Orton

Alright, I'm done. I'll get back tomorrow to see if I was right. There is also word (thanks to everyone's favorite Boston Rock Radio station WAAF) that there is going to be a dark match main event rematch tomorrow prior to Raw between Cena and Orton. No word on who will win the match however.

So it has been written, so it shall come to pass.
Quoth Mander,

Saturday, August 25, 2007

My Smear Campaign Against TNA Continues

Oh yes it does. I haven't really read anything interesting but I made some observations about WWE that I'll post later but, I found this insanely interesting. I will copy/paste this from the Daily Suplex because I can't put it any better:

TNA favorite Samoa Joe is telling people close to him that he'd rather sign an
entry level WWE contract, around $50,000 a year than re-sign with TNA with his
current contract.

Hahahahahahahahhaahaha. Does that tell you anything about TNA? Yes it does. Excellent. Alright, on to my observations.

I noticed recently they're trying to push the ECW Originals, thank God. They seriously need it, I mean Tommy Dreamer is basically jobbing to BDV but still we're seeing him. Hopefully he'll go further into his little search for the title after CM Punk robs it from Morrison. Stevie Richards and Kevin Thorn is quite interesting and it's nice push/angle to bring in. Hopefully that goes further.

Isn't John Morrison starting to sound loads like Raven? With all the poetry and shit. I think Raven should come over for one show and they should have a Def Poetry Jam and see who wins. I think Raven will drop the bomb, his intellectual Vietnam. :)

That's about it.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Yay, More Nancy Grace .. Ashley Massaro on Survivor

Who isn't excited for Nancy Grace's one hour look on wrestling? I'm so excited to listen to the media, once again, smear wrestling. It's going to be so wonderful. Especially with the media's best friends Marc Mero and Chyna. I'm so excited to see this. *sigh*

Ashley Massaro is going to be on Survivor which is premiering on Sept. 20th. Oh yay, let's watch.

So much TV, so little time.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Matt Bentley on Between The Ropes

Matt Bentley shoots on UFC fighter Joe Stevenson is on there too. Pretty sweet. Give it a listen.

I Hate TNA

Seriously, I was thinking about it today and I hate TNA. They just don't develop characters right and they spread themselves too thin. They hype ex-WWE guys more than they hype TNA Originals. Like Raven, he's a great wrestler and promo cutter and deserves some stuff. Matt Bentley was promising, but they fudged up the Serotonin storyline so first Matt, and then Jonnie, and then Raven. It's just how things are gonna go down. And, hopefully, we see them go to WWE, maybe not in the same way but Raven will always be Raven and I'll love to see him back in WWE. He has a better show on ECW as an ECW Original. Can you say Raven/Dreamer storyline all over again? I do.

Tonight, August 16th, is my last episode of TNA. They have disappointed me and thrown wool over my eyes so that I don't see what they're about. Plus, they don't have a drug testing policy. I'd rather them having a drug testing policy. Therefore, I choose WWE.

Way to fall short TNA. From now on I'll only be following Raven/Havok news from TNA.

I Just Noticed This

There is no interesting news but I did notice this. If you want to watch The Great Khali acting watch The Longest Yard. He's the crazy football player who is in solitary.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

5 TNA Stars Released

5 TNA stars were released today. Which is kind of incredible considering the fact that one of them is one of my favorite people.

The people are:
-The Damaja
-Brother Runt (who didn't see that coming?)
-Matt Bentley (Martyr from Serotonin)
-Jerry Lynn (He asked to be released)

There goes Serotonin. New member? Or are they done and Raven is going back to his old wrestling ways? I wanna know.

Jerry Lynn is probably the most surprising one though, considering he asked for it.

Lesnar to TNA .. Eric on BB8 Worked for WWE .. Congress Finally Catchs TNA

Word on the street is that Dixie Carter has been having secret meetings with Brock Lesnar to bring him to TNA. This is something I'd love to see. I know Lesnar and Angle had a feud going in WWE, do you think they'd bring that back in TNA as well?

I'm not sure how many people watch Big Brother 8 but America's Player, Eric, worked at WWE headquarters for a while. He said it was a dream job and that he was working 120 hour weeks.

Congress has finally caught up with TNA. They finally requested records from TNA on their "drug testing policy". Excellent. They also asked NWA as well. I'd love to see this.

Well, I'm gonna go enjoy a big glass of milk with Angle, who afterward will take 3 Viagra (yes The Rock said this).

Monday, August 13, 2007

My TNA Predictions and if I was wrong

I made predictions for Hard Justice and now we'll see if I was right or wrong.

MCMG vs. Triple X vs. Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal - Dammmnn was I off on this one. I said Triple X but it was Dutt & Lethal. Not something I expected.

Kaz vs. Raven - This just had to be the way it ended. Kaz won. Hopefully Raven & Serotonin move on and start wrestling more with better things in their future rather than being jobbers. At least Raven tried to get him back.

Rhino vs. James Storm - Wow, first one I'm right on. I said James Storm and that's what's up. I think that this is just gonna keep going.

VKM vs. LAX - I was so close to being right. VKM won until Hector Guerrero came around and said that VKM had cheated because Roxy threw powder in Hernandez's face. Guess what? They overturn it and LAX wins. That pissed me off.

Eric Young vs. Robert Roode - I was so close on this one. Eric Young lost, but still T&Fed Ms. Brooks. I was close.

Chris Harris vs. Black Reign - I seriously have no clue what the hell happened on this one. It just was a hardcore promo for Black Reign. He tried to kill Harris but luckily some people came out. Reallllly dumb and something that just sucked.

3D vs. Steiners - Who didn't see this ending with Steiners winning? Hopefully all this Steiner vs. 3D stuff is over and we get something new for both of them.

Pacman annoys me.

Christian Coalition vs. Abyss's Coalition - Once again, this should be all over. Christian should just lay off Abyss now. Abyss just proved he pwned hardcore and that Christian sucks therefore back off.

Angle vs. Samoa Joe - Sucked. Seriously. I hope Kurt Angle just starts losing titles left and right. It'll be great. Also, was this an elaborate plan set up on her first visit or was this just a really quick "Hey let's screw over Joe" thing. I wanna know.

Onto other news:

Sylvan Grenier got released. He was supposed to have a storyline but they pushed it back and then I guess they decided not to do it. Oh well.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Benoit Mentioned on Flavor Flav's Roast

Wow, I just heard the stupidest thing ever. I was watching The Roast of Flavor Flav and Jimmy Kimmel said that "Chris Benoit was a better father than Flav." Seriously not funny. Go die.

Michael Cole is Fired

From what I hear he gave Vince McMahon's "child" away. He spoiled a story AND it was Vince's. Yeah, Nanananana, nanananana, hey hey hey hey gooooodbyyyyyeeee.

I Have A Burning Question

My question is, is Raven vs. Kazarian preshow? It certainly doesn't deserve to be pre-show. I think that this should of gotten a little more airtime because they're both really good wrestlers and it would have been insanely interesting. I understand Raven has a thyroid problem but from what I can tell he's gonna start wrestling again, has anyone noticed the blonde hair is gone? He just looked like he used to, maybe a little bigger because of the thyroid but I wanna see more of him, he's a good wrestler. Maybe when TNA goes 2 hours? I know that WWE is two hours and I think I see just about everyone at least once every two weeks. Seriously, they still let Val Venis on TV.

It just makes me feel badddd. TNA is listing it on the final match card for Hard Justice, wouldn't they not announce it if it was on the preshow? I have no clue how TNA works so it'll be interesting.

Friday, August 10, 2007

What This Restraining Order Means for Pacman

It is finally official, the Tennessee Titans have filed a Restraining Order against Adam "Pacman" Jones to bar him from going to Hard Justice this Sunday. But, what does this mean to everyone? Well, it's too late to contest anything now so I guess we definately won't see him debut at Hard Justice and possibly not next week the way things in the judicial system roll. I want to know what TNA is going to do to fill in for all this? Perhaps add another last second match to get more people to watch? I don't know but it would be interesting to see.

Could TNA also get sued for signing Pacman knowing that he wasn't allowed through his Titans contract? That's another good question I want to see answered.

Konnan Kidney Rejection .. Pacman Has Obstacles .. Why I Love Don West .. Comparing the 2007 Roster to the '06 Red Sox Team

According to reports Konnan is rejecting his donor kidney. He's heading out to San Diego to see what they can do about it. I'm not much of a religious person but if you are seriously keep him in your mind. He needs it.

Pacman ain't getting off so easy. Titans have put up a restraining order that is preventing him from even showing up at Hard Justice. That's all I really know and remember but when I get more I'll get back to ya.

Don West is effin' crazy and he makes me laugh so much. Watch TNA Today and you get to see Don West's Comeback Special, which is all 12 DVDs from 2005 for the PPVs and the 2 PPV DVDs from '04. For only 59.95. Insanity. And the way they conducted the whole thing was hilarious. It's a must watch even if you don't plan on buying anything.

I started thinking today about the Red Sox vs. Wrestling. I came up with this. The Red Sox in the '06 season started out really strong, they were insanely good and it was a massive tie with the Yankees until half way through the year, when one of the most important people on the team, Jason Varitek, had to get knee surgery. Then soon, everyone else dropped like flies and the Red Sox suffered. Now, the 2007 Roster for WWE was doing really good up until about the middle of the year, when WWE's Premiere "King of Kings" got injured with a KNEE/LEG injury and had to go out. Then it was all downhill from there. Do you see a pattern? I most certainly do.

NOTE: I don't blame Triple H for all this, I know there are some powers that are out of our control but it was one thing I noticed.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Wow, what a show Pacman .. Raven vs. Kaz Yay =D .. Explain me this .. Final Card (With the matches nobody cares about) .. Thoughts on Impact!

Wow, what a debut for Pacman Jones. I'm so scared of him. Let's see a better "debut" on Sunday shall we?

Alright, I'm now a happy little girl and really want to buy the new TNA pay-per-view. We've got Raven vs. Kaz, with hopefully Serotonin at ringside. Here is the entire card for the Hard Justice PPV. Remember, I got this Wikipedia but Wikipedia was right on this entire thing.

  • Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe // Winner Takes All (IGWP Title, TNA Heavyweight, X Division, Tag Team) - Dumbest idea this side of dumb ideas. I hate the idea of a 1 wrestler having all the titles, much less 2 wrestlers wrestling for all the titles. The original idea was ridiculous and so is this. Please, end this. Fallen Angel gets X Division, Tag Team goes to the Dudley's, and the other ones I just don't care.
  • Team 3D vs. The Steiners - I can't wait to see this. Seriously, I think this will be amazing. So much bad blood, so much goodness. =D
  • James Storm vs. Rhino // Bar Room Brawl - Damnnn kid this is gonna be good. According to The Daily Suplex it's going to be filmed in an actual bar, a definate "I wanna see this so effin' bad" match.
  • LAX vs. VKM - Initials vs. Initials. Yay. What is the point of this match anyway?
  • Triple X vs. Motor City Machine Guns - Dude, I am insanely excited to see this match. Triple X are great and we all know how I feel about MCMG so that's about it on that. I just really want to see this.
  • Robert "It Pays To Be" Roode vs. Showtime Eric Young // Loser gets Tarred & Feathered - Go Eric! Everyone loves you! .. I think. At least we don't have to pay to be Eric Young. You're free =D
  • The Punisher Andrew Martin, Sting, & Abyss vs. The Christian Coalition // Doomsday Chamber of Blood Match - Longest match name I've ever seen, but should be great. Well, doesn't beat the original name of the House of Fun match, "Raven's Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match". Wow. It'll be really great though. You have to bleed to win and you can't excape and if you want to you will be torn to shreds. Excellent ideas Abyss.

Now somebody decided to go on Wikipedia and screw it up but Raven vs. Kaz was there so all they're doing is just putting up the "main" part of the card. Hopefully that get's updated because it's annoying how much un-airtime this match is getting. In my eye's it's a good feud and should be mentioned. There was another match listed but it was taken down too.

Can you explain me something? TNA said they would sign no more people until 2 hours starts. Then how can you explain Pacman, Andrew Martin, and Morgan? Jeez.

Impact! tonight was pretty good. Not great but I got to see myself some Raven so I was happy. This Kurt Angle/Karen/Samoa thing is just dumb. End it. Before I just stop watching. Also, where is Serotonin? Why didn't they go with Raven? Has he changed again?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Bad News

You know the wrestling news sites? Yeah they completely kill my computer so I can only report/comment on what's going on on TV and and what TNA Today has to say. Plus, reading them annoys me because I read the same redundancy over and over again.

"Showtime" Eric Young vs. Robert Roode in a Humiliation Match. This could be good.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Maybe CM Won't Get Screwed .. Rene Dupree's release notes .. Heidenreich Pissed Off .. I was wrong (again) .. Real Reason Jeff's Gone

Hmm, maybe CM Punk won't get screwed tonight. I hope he doesn't, he needs this. I would love to see him get the title at Summerslam because isn't that what this match is for? Qualifying for Summerslam?

It's going around now that the reason Rene Dupree was released is because he's tested positive for steroids in the past. He also asked to leave before they decided to release him. Craziness I say, craziness.

Heidenreich is amazingly pissed off at WWE. He did a crazy interview, and the link is here.

Alright, I'll admit it I was wrong. Triple H wasn't coming back and Kennedy didn't really do much of anything last night except remind us of his annoying last name. This paternity thing though I was not expecting. And damn William Regal from taking a hardcore Raw away from us, that bastard. Anyway, Triple H wasn't there either. I'm pretty sure and hoping he'll show up during Booker T's crowning ceremony and save Jerome from having to do that.

And now supposedly Jeff was suspended because of backstage immaturity. Nice.

Monday, August 06, 2007

If TNA Goes 2 Hours

Here is what's going to happen if TNA goes 2 hours (which it is by the way). It will be filmed bi-weekly with one being filmed on Monday and the other on Tuesday.

What a buzz kill. You stay in the same arena, why not just film every week? Better yet, draw me in and go live on Thursday. You have no more competition on Thursday anymore. Do it.

TNA Finally Signs Pacman


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Supposedly Title Storyline

I figured I'd get this out. I've heard this circulating so I figured I'd say something.

John Cena is going to lose the title to Orton which will open up a story line between Orton and HHH. Supposedly.

Also, on Raw tomorrow Triple H might be starting his beef with King Booker.

All just speculation however.

Taker Returning? .. TNA YouTube Suspended .. Santino Injured .. LAX #1 Contenders .. Official Vince Angle .. Title Phase Out .. Merger

Wow, lots of interesting stuff, let's get started.

There has been a lot of talk of Taker returning at Unforgiven. TV ads, radio ads, poster ads, and now we're finally seeing the new poster for Unforgiven. It used to be Triple H but now it's the Dead Man. Oh snap.

TNA's YouTube account got suspended by Viacom for copyright violations. Therefore that's why TNA Today has been down for the past 2 days. TNA had the highest rated/viewed channel on YouTube at the time and might have had no idea what Viacom was doing. It might have some SpikeTV involvement too. More on that as the information comes.

Supposedly Santino Marella might have a shoulder injury that he received at a house show. He was in a match with Umaga when the ref decided that the match needed to be over. He was supposedly helped up the ramp by someone.

Another house show story, LAX have won a #1 Contenders match again Team 3D at a house show over the weekend. Therefore, congrats to LAX :D. Finally, Team 3D are being told to shut up. Could this be setting up for a Team 3D departure?

Here is some more information on the Vince angle. This is along the lines of what I thought. I heard this from Vince faked his own death with some help from Kennedy. This is what was originally scheduled with everyone framing Linda McMahon. Who knows, will they pick it up from there? (I think I might be repeating myself here.)

Uh oh, TNA might be phasing out the X Division title. According to with the signing of all the big guys and because a big guy has the title we might be losing the X Division title. Aww, and I was just starting to love the X Division in general. I personally feel we should just return the title to the X Division. Give it to the Fallen Angel, isn't he #1 contender or something?

According to, after Raws lackluster rating they were talking about a merger between Raw, Smackdown, and ECW and making it one show. After finding out the rating was wrong, they threw the idea away. Hopefully for good.

Angle Ideas for Vince Return .. TNA Stars Leaving .. Kurt Angle Story Reeks Of Benoit?

Yo yo yo. What's going on? Hopefully nothing of importance so you can read this. Anyway ..

I was reading some stuff online about Vince returning and I read something about how Linda was supposed to be behind his original killing and Mr. Kennedy had something to do with it. That's just what I read however. Anyway, I think that McMahon is gonna say that basically he survived and now he's on a huge manhunt to find out who masterminded this idea. He'll say he was tipped off or something dumb. We'll find out. It'll be something totally retarded like that.

We have TNA stars that might be leaving and one that is definately never coming back. Team 3D's contract expires in a little while and there have been no talks of a resigning, so we're not entirely sure where all of this is going. The Damaja missed the last taping for TNA because he couldn't get a plane ticket to Florida according to He didn't call anyone down there, not even Doug Bashem, his brother. We'll see where this goes. Konnan is definately not returned to TNA ever according to new reports. They tried to talk but it just didn't work so don't expect to see Konnan anytime soon. I wish him well with his kidney D: Last time I heard it got rejected.

Ahh, now the opinion part. People are getting all mad because Kurt Angle's divorce storyline supposedly reeks of Chris & Nancy Benoit. They bring up the fact that he I guess scared her and she wanted a divorce. Well, Karen wants a effin' divorce on air, get over it. Seriously, it has nothing to do with Benoit or anything like that. It's a storyline, plain and simple, people need to learn how not to be offended by things they hear on TV. People are saying that it's "in poor taste", I don't agree. It's just a story line, grow a pair, be a man, and get over it.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Smackdown Better Than Raw? .. Hogan's New Promotion .. Orton To "Kill" Another Legend. Anybody else sick of it?

Welcome welcome welcome! We have preliminary ratings for Smackdown and I'll say this, Raw definately isn't the premiere one anymore. On Smackdown's 2nd hour they made CW the highest rated channel on TV at that time slot. Excellent. I personally feel that Raw is getting to the point where it should be taped and Smackdown should be live. That's how horrible all this is getting.

Hulk Hogan is striking out on his own. He and a few of his friends are attempting to make their own wrestling company. He wants to make it into a more natural place. None of that big brute BS from the way it sounds. He says he hopes that his promotion because successful enough so that everyone will have to follow suit with his "natural" stuff. He also wants it on the air right away from the way is making it sound. He's been talking to TV people and promoters and stuff and needs about 100 mil to start this up, and right now he's at *checks article again* about 40 mil. You can read the article here. Do you think you can donate?

Randy Orton is set to kill another legend this Monday. According to which I found out through I started to put a few things together because Sid Vicious wants to return to wrestling and WWE has been reportedly tossing his name around, could he possibly be the new legend? I mean the guy's been around for ages so why wouldn't he be considered a legend? Who else is sick of this Randy Orton "Legend Killer" BS? Seriously, it's getting really old. If you want to prove he's such a good wrestler actually put him in matches with good, modern people. No jobbers and no old timers. It's getting annoying. Same with Big Daddy V and all those dumb people like Johnny Nitro. -_- Welcome to wrestling I guess.

I'll post more later because RSS feeds suck at life.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Well slap me across the face and call me Betty

How can a person be wrong in 2 posts? Go me. Anyway, Jeff Hardy is suspended but I have no clue why, when I find out more I'll mention it.

I also had the strange feeling the Neilsen system was messed up and I was right. I just didn't let on that I had the feeling. Anyway, at least all this grossness is cleared up now. It was also only on that network too. For approximately 2-3 days. Wow, could have noticed sooner hmm? Dumbies.

Why TNA Interests Me More Than WWE

You know what, I've fallen victim to the "TNA is more interesting than WWE" bandwagon. And it really is. WWE to me is just really redundant. You see the same things over and over again. With TNA I'm seeing faster paced matches & just more interesting moves. Yeah, I know TNA sort of picked up the dregs of the wrestling worlds TV people who have fallen out of WWE grace. Here are a just a few reasons why.

  • TNA has more interesting characters. Seriously, Serotonin is something you'd never see in WWE, only in TNA would I ever see that. TNA has more interesting storylines, WWE is just the same things over and over again, redundant as I've stated before. Plus, who doesn't love Shark Boy? Seriously kid.
  • I see better moves. I love watching AJ Styles fly around the ring. He's just really good at what he does, which is just what I think. I mean yeah, the Swanton Bomb was really cool for a while, but when you guys going out there doing stuff I've never seen, that's when it's just great. My applause goes to AJ Styles for really drawing me in.
  • Everyone there is just a nicer personality. I mean yeah, TNA is more serious than WWE but the intensity with which these people wrestle you can just tell. Plus, AJ Styles makes me laugh with the fact that after Christian Cage walks away he always has something to say. Plus, Tomko and he's toy belt, come on now, funny.
  • They've got Sting, Devon, Bubba Ray, Test, Kevin Nash, the Steiners & Raven. Nuff said on that subject.
  • All of the good people from WWE from jumping ship and going to TNA, so therefore all the people I enjoy watching will be going to TNA. Test, even though he wasn't signed to WWE at the time, went over, and I love that guy. Plus, with the way Jeff Hardy is going we'll be seeing him back soon. Trust me.
  • TNA has better stables and better tandem teams over all. Plus the young ones are great, I do remember Motor City Machine Guns and Triple X the best. They just interest me a lot. Plus, the Steiners, seriously.

Personally, TNA just does it more for me that WWE does. Sure, WWE has a better Wellness Policy, last time I checked they aren't asking TNA for files on their drug testing policy, trust me now I know they have one, it's just not as inclusive as WWE's.

If anyone has any comments, tell me. I'm just starting to think that TNA is going really extreme while WWE is trying to clean up, I like extreme. Which ECW just isn't anymore. Oh, and nice attempt by trying to use Johnny Nitro (I will forever call him that he's just a dork now) and Elijah Burke to win me over, it's just not working.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

More Serotonin? .. Jeff Hardy gone? .. Congress Needs To Lay Off

Ahh, the first entry, it's a wonderful thing is it not? Anyway, on to what's important, the wrestling

My feels are thus, we need more Serotonin on TNA. I think they're pretty interesting and I'd love to see more of them for whatever reason. Maybe when TNA decides to go to 2 hours (hopefully that happens, I hear they moved UFC to Wednesdays which might open up TNA's 2nd hour). I also wonder this, if TNA does go to 2 hours are they still going to film every 2 weeks or is it going to be every week, 2 hours? I don't get it but if I can get an answers it would be nice, seriously. Anyway, when it goes to 2 hours more Serotonin AND Motor City Machine Guns? Sabin = O.O mmmmmmm

Hmm, how many know about Jeff Hardy either a.) not showing up or b.) being sent home? Something tells me he's in big shit right now. If I knew more, I'd say more.

Alright, this goes out to Congress. You guys have more important things to worry about than drugs in a place that really isn't a sport, it's entertainment. The only people that are dying are the ones that have been using steroids since the Steroids Ages as I call them. They are the left over dregs. And then we have people running around saying "500 lbs men were sitting on me beating on me". Seriously, get a life. I understand you're being honest, but all half of them are doing is trying to bring their fame back, and other's are just being unrealistic as far as I'm concerned. I'd never expect it from Joanie Lauer either. -.- Currently you've got a bridge collapse, terrorism, finding Usama bin Laden, and also cleaning up Gitmo to worry about. You have more on your plate than wrestling.

And go wrestling ratings for getting better every week :rolls eyes:. For those who have switched to TNA, they don't have a drug testing policy like WWE does from I hear.

I'll probably post more later.

By the way, I don't post spoilers and I don't do anything like that. I will voice my opinions about shows afterward however.