Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Stipulation Added to Survivor Series .. Speaking of SS Current Card .. Lesnar's First Opponent Announced .. Genesis Card .. Snow Gets Engaged

First off, let's get some PPV cards out of the way. Let's do a quick run down of the Survivor Series card currently.
  • Randy Orton (c) vs. Shawn Michaels (WWE Championship) - There is a special stipulation added that I'll go over later.
  • Batista (c) vs. Undertaker (World Heavyweight Championship) - Hell in a Cell (Woohoo!)
  • Triple H, the Hardy Boyz (going old skool on that one =]), Rey-Rey and Kane vs. Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Finley, and BDV.
  • Hornswoggle vs. The Great Khali

For some reason I think this PPV is going to shape up to be a decent one. And with word of Jericho's return after it I'm really looking forward to it because it means we're one day closer to a revisit of the Attitude Era.

Speaking of Attitude Era, that has to be one of the funniest Raws I have ever seen. I even got to see Duggan and Super Crazy! First 20 minutes was just DX. Memorable quote:

Triple H: Everything's cool right?
Shawn Michaels: You know I don't know cool! I'm a father of two, all I know is Higglytown Heros and the Wiggles!

Sorry, I found that amazingly hilarious. And THANK YOU Stone Cold Steve Austin for shutting Santino up. Although I'll miss "can of ass whip", "stomping a mud pie", and "that's the bottom lines". Oh well. Also, did anyone else catch the little kid in the front row who got the full on frontal of beer? That ain't cool. And it's great to see Snitsky back! Not really ...

Ahh yes, the Survivor Series stipulation I was speaking of earlier. Randy Orton requested to have the Sweet Chin Music banned from the match, and indeed it was. But, if Orton gets disqualified the title goes to Shawn Michaels. Look out for a good match.

The wedding bells will eventually be ringing in the future of Al Snow and his new fiance Cynthia "Bobcat" Lynch, who was a WWE Hardcore Champion while she was there. Al Snow is still training down in OVW. Congrats!

Nowww, the Genesis line-up. Genesis is this Sunday so buy it! It promises to be a good one. Raven will always weasel his way in, as usual.

  • Kurt Angle (c) & Kevin Nash vs. Sting & His Mystery Partner (we'll delve into potentials later) (TNA Championship): Who ever pins whoever in this match will leave the TNA Champion.
  • Samoan Joseph vs. Robert "It Pays To Be" Roode
  • Team 3D vs. MCMG - Battle for the pride of the X-Division
  • Gail Kim (c) vs. Roxxi Laveaux vs. ODB vs. Angel Williams (Women's Championship)
  • Black Reign vs. Abyss - Shop of Horrors match.

We have a few questions going into this PPV. The first is, who is Sting's mystery partner? TNA is trying to get us to believe it's Scott Hall but it can't be, Hall was never a World Champion in WWE, he was only Intercontinental Champion. The only other free agents that fit this description would be Rob Van Dam and Booker T, and RVD seems to be having fun doing what he's doing so I'm leaning towards Booker T. Good luck with TNA. Hopefully he doesn't Test/Junior Fatu you.

The other question, for myself anyway, is what the hell is a Shop of Horrors match? I'm sure this Thursday there will be a Black Reign job-out match where they tell us what it is. I look forward to finding it. Hopefully it's not a creation from the mind of Russo, I won't like it as much. Raven could have possibly thought it up? I mean, he did do Hangman's Horror and House of Fun so I could see him using his Mensa sized intelligence to do it again.

Remember, you can also catch me at The Daily Suplex. Beginning at Genesis I will also be posting my PPV Predictions and results there.

Until tomorrow.

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