Thursday, November 08, 2007

WWE Releases Two ... Genesis Mistake ... Review on Impact Later ... Quick Opinion on Talent Exchange

WWE has decided to release both Chris Masters and Dr. Death Steve Williams. Williams was a trainer down in OVW and the believed reason he was booted is because he lives in Colarado and it costs too much to fly him out. WWE is just cutting it's financial corners. The next thing is, who will take his place? I'm thinking they'll send either Tommy Dreamer or Val Venis down since they seem to have nothing for either of them. Speaking of people having nothing, where's Richards and Thorn? We obviously all know why Masters was evicted, his Wellness violations have gotten too numerous plus they really seem to have nothing for him because he's such a one sided person.

Since there is really nothing, I'll hand you this piece of just really stupid information. In TV Guide's preview for Genesis they list Jeff Hardy as one of the people going there. As we all know, as far as wrestling goes TV Guide can't tell it's ass from it's elbow. Pretty funny though.

Alright, I'm going to say something about this Smackdown/ECW talent exchange. This exchange is just burying the jobbers/mid-carders on ECW. Ever since this exchange began I have not seen one bit of Stevie Richards or Kevin Thorn. They're two really talented guys just I think they should go better places. If it was my world, they'd be released, both sign with TNA, and mysteriously end up with Raven. Richards for the 293853729 time in his life. And Thorn would be a good fit with him anyway. The same is not happening on Smackdown because they have 2 hours compared to ECW's 1.

Alright, I'll post a little something after iMPACT! tonight just to break the monotony of this awful update. Hopefully they'll tell us what the hell a Shop of Horrors match is.

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