Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sting's Mystery Partner is Still Just That .. A Mystery

TNA was kind of annoying and wasn't really that great. Brief opinions in bulleted notation:
  • Karen Angle's attempts to "take care of business" are getting redundant and annoying. They need to end this running gag because it's beginning to make me gag.
  • I wouldn't have minded seeing Chris Harris complaining tonight myself.
  • The Gail Kim vs. (insert chick jobber's name here) match wasn't that great. The end just sucked too. This match isn't going to be great at Genesis.
  • Who the hell has ever seen a female jobber?
  • We had a typical tag team moment with Black Reign getting involved and an X-Division guy getting taken out.
  • Who say Sonjay Dutt getting a title shot? I definately didn't.
  • That Kaz vs. Cage match for B/S. Maybe it's because I'm a huge Raven fan I dunno but I hope that Cage owns Kaz wicked bad.

Other than that nothing really noteable happened.

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