Sunday, October 28, 2007

Cyber Sunday Predictions

I'm posting everyday from now on. Even when no real news is there, just whatever.

These predictions could get hairy so bare with me people.

  • Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels or Mr. Kennedy (WWE Title): Kennedy has no shot in hell after his steroids issue. Shawn Michaels is a definate shoe in for it, but if he does get voted in he won't win because of his knees. Jeff Hardy has a huge shoe in for it too buttttt, he won't win it because of his current title reign. PROBABLE WINNER: RANDY ORTON
  • Batista vs. Undertaker (World Heavyweight Title) (With Referee of JBL, Stone Cold or Mick Foley): This really doesn't matter. Batista is keeping the title fair and square. We shouldn't drop it to Taker so hastily. Keep this going and you'll have a good feud on your hands. As far as referees go, it's either going to be Foley or Austin. Nobody likes JBL and as Randy Orton so nicely put it, "If they don't like you, they won't vote for you." PROBABLE WINNER: BATISTA
  • CM Punk vs. BDV, John Morrison, or The Miz - Definately not BDV, people like CM Punk and that's like throwing him to the wolves. The most likely person chosen is Morrison and Morrison will get the title if he does go in. If Miz is voted in, we'll probably see some Balls Mahoney in there but I predict Morrison going in and winning. PROBABLE WINNER: MORRISON
  • MVP vs. Matt Hardy (US Title) (MMA, Wrestling, or Boxing Match): I'm sure everyone is going to vote MMA or Wrestling because they all want Hardy to win and Boxing doesn't go so great for him. Butttt, Hardy might be dropped tonight after the injury he sustained at Smackdown (which was legit, that huge cut on his head is legit and on accident). His head got caught on Rey Rey's leg brace and he got cut open. Anyway, I think MVP is keeping the title. If they do drop this, this would the second consecutive last minute PPV roster switch because of injury creative would have made. PROBABLE WINNER: MVP
  • Triple H vs. Umaga (Street Fight, No DQ, or First Blood match): It's definately going to Triple H and it's going to be a First Blood or Street Fight. PROBABLE WINNER: TRIPLE H
  • Rey Mysterio vs. Finley (Shilleglah on a Pole, Stretcher, or No DQ): You've got to be joking me, what a stupid match. Seriously. All of the concept matches for this suck. This match sucks so much I won't even make a prediction on it.
  • Halloween Costume Contest (Mickie James, Melina, Maria, Victoria, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool, Kelly Kelly, Layla, Brooke): It's going to break down and there will be no winner. We're going to have a huge cat fight. It'll be pretty funny to watch. PROBABLE WINNER: ALL NON-GAY MEN OF THE WORLD

I hate this PPV.

Oh, and who's ready for Chris Jericho?

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