Sunday, November 25, 2007

Feast or Fired? ... Update on Sting ... Hogan Divorce? ... Tomko Injured ... Hardy Injured

Here is a quick update on all the stuff I missed randomly during the week.

TNA has a new sort of gimmick match announced for their 12/2 Turning Point PPV. It's called Feast or Fired. It's a battle royal where there are 4 briefcases hanging from 4 poles (go Russo!) each with a title shot (tag team, X Division, & Heavyweight) and one that has a pink slip. I'm really excited for this concept for some reason. It'd be interesting to see who got fired. Once I know the full roster for the match I'll post it and give my thoughts on each contestant.

Sting is currently on break and TNA has offered him a contract extension. No word, however, on if he's agreed on it or signed it.

According to sources Hulk Hogan's wife has filed for divorce. I had a strange feeling this was coming because the last season of their show wasn't that happy between the two from what I've seen. Plus, the stress of what happened to Nick and his friend could have played a role. When information becomes available I'll let you know. Other word is that this took Hogan by surprise and it took an interview guy to tell him what happened. Take that for what it's worth.

According to sources Tomko went in for emergency surgery on a torn muscle. Obviously, this happened in Japan. When more becomes known I'll post some more about that.

Matt Hardy also had to go under an appendectomi the other day. It was on the night of the Smackdown/ECW tapings. He is set to be out 2-3 months. In my opinion it seems like he's hit a spot of bad luck as of late. But that's just me. He's missed out on a few matches even if they have been kayfabe injuries (and one that wasn't, thanks Rey). Personally I feel that he's been being screwed out of the US title and he's just not having a good time.

My get-well wishes go out to Tomko and Matt Hardy. =) Get well soon guys!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Survivor Series Reactions

Survivor Series was an ehhhh PPV. Then again, for some reason I haven't been a big fan of WWE PPVs and TV shows lately. So, here are my reactions to the matches.
  • CM Punk vs. Miz vs. John Morrison (Triple Threat) (ECW Title): Who called that? I did! Anyway, I can't really remember much from the match but I do remember last night really liking it and thinking it was a good match to start the PPV. Which is something about 85% of wrestling fans are saying (if you're not part of that 85% you're not mentally right.) Anyway, I was hoping CM Punk would keep the title and I guess WWE has been impressed with his work as champ because they've kept him as such.
  • Beth Phoenix (c), Jillian Hall, Melina, Victoria, & Layla vs. Mickie James, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool, Maria, and Kelly Kelly: Hmmm, I thought this match was alright. With only one real wrestler on the face side I was a skeptical about it but from people watching the PPV on TV (I do online PBP updates because I'm unfortunately kinda poor and to boot our TVs have cable stuff built in so I don't have a box) Kelly Kelly was doing really good. I'm all for Kelly Kelly getting some wrestling training in, going to Raw, and fighting it out for the Women's Title. Next draft my friends, next draft.
  • Triple H, The Hardys, Rey Mysterio, & Kane vs. Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, MVP, BDV, & Finley (Traditional Survivor Series Tournament): The promo that aired before this was hilarious, they just had to bring up Katie Vick. Anyway, that was majorly hilarious and showed how much of an ass Triple H is sometimes. Anyway, Matt Hardy was out and considered elimanated because of his "leg injury". In the end, the surviving team was Team Trips and it was Triple H and Jeff Hardy as the survivors. From what I hear it was alright, but I wish I had seen it first hand.
  • Batista vs. Undertaker (Hell in a Cell) (World Heavyweight Title): Dude! Edge! Holy crap! What a great return for him and NICE JOB throwing him back in with the Undertaker. I was highly impressed with this match, even though Batista supposedly did a bad gig job and you could see him slice himself. Whatever, anyway really good match and I was happy that I got it right.
  • Cade & Murdoch (c) vs. Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly (WWE Tag Team Titles): Disappointment city dude. I was kinda bummed that Rhodes and Holly didn't win but then again Rhodes needs more experience plus they could get another run at the titles later. So, whatever.
  • Hornswoggle vs. The Great Khali: Dude, what in the blue hell happened here? A man, Finley, who was a heel maybe a match or two before and is now suddenly face and helping out his buddy Horny? What? Huh? Who? Yeah, and who else kept forgetting that Finley was in the SS match? I know I kept doing it. Anyway, match sucked. Plain and simple.
  • Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels (WWE Title) (Special Stipulations): Dude! That was awesome! I really liked this match. Michaels was just ripping off everyone's finishing moves. He used the crossface, angle lock, and his usual sharpshooter. I was like, "Dude! Crossface! Ring the damn bell!" It was great. Anyway, I liked this match, unfortunately Orton was able to pull off the victory. It was good stuff though.

I'll post some news tidbits from the past few days later. Also, who's ready for RAW IS JERICHO!?!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Survivor Series Predictions

Alright, the PPV that I once again know nothing about. I have no clue what is going on with me and WWE PPVs. I'm just not as into WWE as I was before. Anyway, here goes nothing.
  • Beth Phoenix (c), Jillian Hall, Melina, Victoria & Layla vs. Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Torrie Wilson, Maria, & Michelle McCool - Hmm, this certainly is an interesting one and yes this is indeed a tag match rather than an elimination style thing (which would have been cool). Anyway, Beth Phoenix & Co have more wrestlers on their side which definately works out in their favor while Mickie James is the only real wrestler on her side. Something tells me this match is going to be all about retribution between the two teams. Anyway, I still think Mickie & Co will pull off the victory in some amazing fashion. PROBABLE WINNERS: MICKIE JAMES, TORRIE WILSON, MICHELLE MCCOOL, KELLY KELLY & MARIA
  • Hornswoggle vs. The Great Khali: Lots of interference and Hornswoggle is going to Guerrero his way to the win, by Guerrero I mean lie, cheat, and steal. Hopefully we see a Mick Foley run in as well. Maybe McMahon will stick up for his son? Anyway, this match is all Hornswoggle. PROBABLE WINNER: HORNSWOGGLE
  • Cade & Murdoch (c) vs. Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly (World Tag Team Championship): This is a given, Cade & Murdoch haven't been on the same page since the Mickie James incidents so this might be the final implosion of the two. Rhodes & Holly on the other hand are on a roll plus they're an odd couple tag team therefore they have to win (just like MVP & Matt Hardy and Miz & Morrison). PROBABLE WINNERS: RHODES & HOLLY
  • CM Punk (c) vs. Miz vs. John Morrison (Triple Threat) (ECW Title): Eeee, wow. I really don't know. I think that Morrison is supposed to get the title back once he came back, but I also think CM Punk should hold it longer. He's been a great champion. I just don't think Miz is ready to the hold the title so I guess we're down to CM Punk and Morrison. Hmmm ... I'll once again go out on a limb and say CM Punk. PROBABLE WINNER: CM PUNK
  • Triple H, The Hardys, Rey Mysterio, & Kane vs. Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Finley, & BDV (Traditional Survivor Series match): Hmmmmm, alright still standing for HHH's side will be (give or take a 1 or 2) Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, and/or Kane. On Umaga's side it'll either be Mr. Kennedy, Umaga, and/or BDV. Now, for the winner, it's going to be Triple H's side. They've got all the amazing guys so, in the words of Vince McMahon, "No chance in hell." Plus, Umaga's team has too many personalities that'll clash. PROBABLE WINNERS: TRIPLE H, THE HARDYS, REY MYSTERIO, & KANE
  • Batista vs. Undertaker (Hell in a Cell) (World Heavyweight Title): Hmm, this I'm really not sure about. Like in all honesty I have no clue what so ever. Hmmm...let's do a run down of the odds. Batista is just going insane right now (like he does before every PPV where he has a gimmick match) and this is Undertaker's speciality. I'll have to say Batista, I have no clue why however. PROBABLE WINNER: BATISTA
  • Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels (WWE Championship) (Special Stipulations): Alright, no SCM from Michaels and no blatent DQs from Orton. Okay, sounds stupid. Anyway, Michaels all the way. I know he can do it without the Music, I mean he's got a sharpshooter he's good at right? But, they could screw him out of it by having the ref down and out while Orton taps out. Orton gets a weapon then an RKO, and boom, still champ. I'm still pulling for Michaels though. This last scenario is an idea proposed on I also smell MONTREAL SCREWJOB PT. 2...Nevermind. PROBABLE WINNER: SHAWN MICHAELS

See ya'll later. And, as always this will also be posted on I'll post some news later.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

TNA Creative Changes ... Controversy over new TNA DVD

Today is a day entirely dedicated to TNA it seems. Anyway, there seems to be some changes on the creative side of TNA. Jeff Jarrett is still in charge and Vince Russo and Dutch Mantel are still around. However, Mike Teney and Jeremy Borash have officially been added to the Creative/Booking team. Abyss has also begun to sit in with them so it should be interesting to see if anything new does occur within TNA.

There is supposedly some issues with the new DVD on the 1st year of TNA by the uppers in TNA. They didn't get to approve of some of the scenes in the DVD so they're rather angry. There were thoughts on editing it, but they probably won't do it therefore, rush out and get it while you can! It's on my christmas list.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

JBL yells at The Miz and John Morrison ... Abyss Injured ... Havok back to Johnny Devine ... Kevin Thorn Being Punished

Yesterday at the Smackdown tapings JBL took a bunch of people aside (most notably Matt Hardy, The Miz, John Morrison, MVP, and CM Punk). He yelled at Miz and Morrison for their color commentary on ECW and for completely tearing into a guy they were trying to put over and distracting the audience. He then yelled at them again for a match that I guess didn't go so well on Smackdown against Matt Hardy and MVP. He told them they need to apologize to Hardy, MVP, and Punk because they made them look bad. Miz apologized (he's not that much of an ass after all) while Morrison told JBL, in simplest terms, "Go eff yourself". There was a little bit of a physical altercation which was quickly broken. That is just completely ridiculous in my opinion. JBL is a "wrestling God" on TV, not back stage. I understand you know he's a veteran but it's none of his business, but I guess that's just how things work out.

When Abyss was pushed off the stage in the box by Dustin Rhodes and Johnny Stamboli at Genesis he suffered a minor shoulder injury. They wanted him to escape the box through a trap door but he refused to do so. At least he tries to make things look legit and takes the bumps for it. I respect him a little bit more now.

I know you don't care but Havok and decided to go back to his original ring name of Johnny Devine. There goes my dream. I'm sure he'll go back to a "normal" gimmick too but Havok's dressing really isn't that bad. Plus it was completely his idea. Speaking of names, Johnny Stamboli's Redrum gimmick will be called Rellik (which is Killer spelt backwards).

The reason we haven't seen much from Kevin Thorn on ECW is because he's being "punished" for botching a finisher against KC James on ECW a few weeks back. I do remember seeing this finish and I believe that the way he landed he almost broke James neck. I mean, it was a pretty sloppy match to begin with. Anyway, that's supposedly but I would also blame the fact that they have absolutely nothing for him. Now, all I need is my Stevie question answered...

WWE Screws Up .. Again

Still, absolutely nothing. Anyway, WWE had a major screw up today. They released the cover for December 2007's WWE Magazine and, let's just say this, they made the Jericho return painfully obvious. Jericho is on the cover and it says they'll reveal the real reasons behind his "shocking" return. It's supposed to hit news stands next week (later in the week) but as is custom subscribers get it a week early and they always release the cover a week early. So, way to go WWE. I applaud you.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Jericho Returns Next Monday ... Ms. Brooks Faints

Really slow day today. The biggest news to come out today is that Jericho is indeed returning next Monday as shown by the new viral video done on Raw tonight (or last night). This is taken from

Here are some of the phrases that flashed :




The Answer is the Code

Good stuff. I'm excited now.

And Ms. Brooks had a legitimate faint yesterday at Genesis. That was not an act at all. They believe it was the heat that got to her. She was out and about later in the show so she's alright.

Post-Genesis Opinions ... Redrum Reaction ... Booker T Reaction ... Lena Signed by WWE ... Fatu Not Done With TNA

Well, as promised, my Post-Genesis reactions and several other pieces of news.
  • Abyss vs. Black Reign (Shop of Horrors): I think we all knew Abyss was going to win this one. But, we weren't expecting the debut of Johnny Stamboli aka. Redrum. The thing that sucks is that nobody had any clue who it is but I'm sure on the next iMPACT! those who don't do stuff online will find out. It's nice to see a new face involved in this. Hopefully we can suck him into Serotonin one of these days.
  • Motor City Machine Guns vs. Team 3D: This was an easy one and unfortunately we saw no cool run ins. It was nice to see MCMG win though, and supposedly Team 3D put them over really well, which I liked and I thought was good. We haven't seen the last of Team 3D for the night.
  • Gail Kim (c) vs. ODB vs. Angel Williams vs. Roxxi Leveaux (TNA Women's Championship): This was an amazingly easy one to predict. It was also a rather good match from what I hear. I have to say I am highly impressed with TNA's Women's Division. You have a lot of good athletes in there and all of these chicks have a more than basic idea of what they're doing. WWE's chicks are just eye-candy while TNA's chicks are eye-candy who can do a really good job at doubling as wrestlers. Really good stuff. I do have to say though, ODB is rather humorous.
  • Jay Lethal (c) vs. Sonjay Dutt (TNA X Division Title): It was sort of a filler match if you will. It gave the X Division some exposure which it has been lacking lately. The ending though was really something. We seriously saw the invention of the modern day Macho Man Randy Savage, a very humorous Sonjay Dutt, and the new Miss Elizabeth (SoCal Val). Unfortunately, Team 3D came and ruined it by taking out Sonjay & Lethal and then abducted the X Division Title saying that the X Division must suffer for what MCMG did.
  • AJ Styles & Tomko (c) vs. The Steiners (TNA Tag Team Championship): I know I said Steiners, but AJ & Tomko had a really fair shot. Anyway, I thought they might implode but that wasn't the case and I think they worked better together than they usually do. It's just their style I guess.
  • Samoan Joseph vs. Robert Roode: I thought we would see more action from this but it was interesting enough at least. I thought we would see more Ms. Brooks stuff but what we saw really did suck. All that happened was that she was taken out but we're not sure how or by who but I'm assuming Rain and with some kind of random object. Anyway, it sucked but the match was good.
  • Kaz vs. Christian Cage (Fight for the Right Finals) (Ladder Match): You all know how I feel about Kaz. Therefore, it sucked. And Tomko and AJ cost Cage the match, which is something else you could have guessed because they always seem to do that when it's important for Cage. Anyway, no further opinion.
  • Kurt Angle (c) & Kevin Nash vs. Sting & Mystery Partner (Tag Team Match for the TNA Heavyweight Title): I hate the concept of a tag match for a title change but whatever. Anyway, Angle kept the title which makes me thing that Sting is screwed for a title reign before he retires. I only really stuck with the PPV to see who the mystery partner is (and it was Booker T). I was rather surprised at the end when Tomko and AJ came out and helped Angle and Cage had no clue what was happening. I knew the Coalition was going to implode, just I wasn't sure how. Anyway, we also saw Sharmell get into a cat fight with Karen Angle so this could get reallllllly interesting.

Anyway, overall good PPV. I was just really shocked by some of the stuff that happened and I was also disappointed by a few things.

I think Booker T returning was awesome. Especially as the old skool WCW/early WWE Booker T. This King Bookuh stuff was BS. Anyway, good luck Booker and hopefully things work out for us on the fan/mark side.

I was NOT expecting the debut of Redrum but I think that maybe that was the point. Anyway, he's a decent replacement for Judas and I can't wait to see what he can do. I'm also rather excited at having another new, twisted character to cheer for outside of Black Reign, Raven, and Mesias. For some reason I have a thing about twisted, heel wrestlers. They're amazing.

WWE has signed Diva Search reject Lena to a contract to be a backstage interviewer on ECW and possibly a wrestler. Supposedly she is in Tampa starting her training by taking minor bumps and things like that.

Lastly, Junior Fatu might not be done with TNA. According to him he wasn't at the iMPACT! tapings because of prior commitments and he was never really done with TNA to begin with and he wasn't sent packing. Supposedly his travel arrangements can get messed up because he lives in two different areas of the US so hopefully we see him at the next tapings. I'm excited to see him again.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Genesis Predictions

Oh yes! The time is here! It's time for the predictions for Genesis! Woohoo! Here goes ....
  • Team 3D vs. Motor City Machine Guns: The clear winners here are MCMG, hands down. It's just how TNA operates. They're a very "happy ending" type of promotion. You could also see a few run-ins from other X Division guys. I wouldn't be amazed to see Havok, Triple X, Petey Williams, or Shark Boy get involved. Anyway, the numbers game is huge going into this match. 3D doesn't have the man power. PROBABLE WINNERS: MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS
  • Samoan Joseph vs. Robert Roode w/ Ms. Brooks: Once again, very happy ending promotion so Joe's got this in the bag. I'm sure Roode will put up a good fight but in the end Joe will hold out. I'm also predicting an end to the whole Roode/Brooks problem. She'll possibly cost him the match and quit. Or accidently cost him the match and be fired. If this does occur we'll be seeing the hiring of the planted fan in the crowd on the next iMPACT!. PROBABLE WINNER: SAMOAN JOSEPH
  • Abyss vs. Black Reign (Shop of Horrors match): It's about time Abyss loses so I'll go out on a limb and say Black Reign will win. Seriously, Abyss can only last so long before the numbers game catches up to him. I wouldn't be surprised to see the return of Judas Mesias tonight to help Black Reign pull off the victory here. I wouldn't be surprised to see a run in from Raven and Havok either. Whatever occurs, I'm going for who I'm rooting for in this match, not who might win. PROBABLE WINNER: BLACK REIGN
  • Kaz vs. Christian Cage (Fight for the Right Finals) (Ladder Match): Kaz has this in the bag. I don't care how many people get involved in this match, plus usually when Tomko and AJ are involved in a match later in the night they don't help out Cage. Plus Kaz is on a huge push right now and I'm sure that eventually he's going to be the TNA Heavyweight Champion. Only to be toppled by Raven. Mwahahaha! Sorry .... Why does every post have a mention of Raven? No clue, but yeah, Kaz gets it. PROBABLE WINNER: KAZ
  • Gail Kim (c) vs. ODB vs. Roxxi Laveaux vs. Angel Williams (TNA Women's Championship): Nobody in this match has a shot, plus Kim can't drop the title that quick. This division is believed to have been built around her so Kim isn't losing anything. PROBABLE WINNER: GAIL KIM
  • AJ Styles & Tomko (c) vs. The Steiners (TNA Tag Team Championship): I'm going for the Steiners in this one. I have the feeling the Coalition isn't on the right page after AJ became "team captain". Tomko seems to be getting fed up so he could intentionally cost them the match. Or, Styles could get overzealous and cost them the match enraging Tomko. Anyway, I think we might be seeing an end to Tomko and the Coalition soon. PROBABLE WINNERS: THE STEINERS
  • Jay Lethal (c) vs. Sonjay Dutt (TNA X Division Championship): Jay Lethal is going to be winning this one. Sonjay Dutt doesn't seem ready to hold the title and I think this might be a title match just so the X Division gets it's spot on the PPV. I would be really amazed if Sonjay did win and if he did win he wouldn't be holding it long. It'd be like Havok winning the TNA Heavyweight title, it won't last. I think we might also see a furtherance of the Jay Lethal/SoCal Val storyline because something might be going on there. PROBABLE WINNER: JAY LETHAL
  • Kurt Angle (c) & Kevin Nash vs. Sting & Booker T (because we all know it's him) (TNA Heavyweight Title): The way this match works is whoever gets the pin on whoever wins the title. It's pretty stupid way to do it but whatever. Anyway, the real question heading into this was who is Sting's mystery partner, and we all know by now that it's Booker (coming in as Booker T because King Booker is owned by WWE). Anyway, they won't hand the title to a guy just walking in the door because of the history of guys coming and going. Nash is just just getting back in the ring and I have the feeling that Angle isn't keeping this title. Which leaves us with Sting, he needs one good title reign before he retires and I think this might be it. PROBABLE WINNER: STING

And that's about it. I'll be posting this on The Daily Suplex as well, which I encourage you to check out at Until later =)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Divas Gone From WWE? ... Speculate On What A Shop of Horrors Match Is

As many people have noticed, the Divas are removed from It is believed they have been pulled for a redesign of that section although I'm hoping that's just gone. I'm hoping it's just that because we've already dropped the Cruiserweight title and stuff. It probably is but just to be safe keep an eye out.

Now my real question for Genesis is what the hell is a Shop of Horrors match? From what I take it's a no-DQ, hardcore sort of match. But you guys know about Black Reign's little shop in the back? Maybe it's something that involves tools and things like that? Or it could be the type of moniker that WCW used in hardcore matches that involved Raven (Raven's Rules). I dunno but that's my question.

See me tomorrow for my predictions for Genesis and and check out to see what's going on over there. They get news out quicker than I do.

Friday, November 09, 2007

CNN Screws up Cena Interview ... Chyna changes name? ... Video of Hogan crash revealed ... TNA has own saveus.222 ... TNA screw up

Word is that during the John Cena interview on CNN they completely screwed up what Cena was trying to say. I'm not going to voice my opinion, I'm just going to let the videos speak for themselves because this is just completely ridiculous.

Edited by CNN Version
Unedited Version Caught by WWE Cameras

Anyway, according to Joanie Marie Laurer has officially changed her name to Chyna. She issued a challenge to Vince McMahon saying, "Do I want to go back to get abused by you and get punched in the head every day and have people not stand up for me besides the fans? No. Would I like to go back for one day representing myself and all these people to kick your ass and your ass only? Cause you are the boss, right Vince? Then I would love to do it. You know my number. You know where I live, obviously. And you know my name. Bring it, Vince!" Obviously, she's eithering hitting the same drugs Warrior was hitting when he changed his name or she didn't get WWE's "We'll Pay For Your Rehab" letter. Either way, she's just being really stupid. Mind you, when I was little I used to look up to her. So, thank's for making me respect the new skanks more than you.

According to Nick 'Hogan' Bollea's attorney there is a video that proves all the 'eye-witnesses' were lying when they said Bollea was racing when he crashed his car severely injuring his friend John Graziano (I got the name today). The video shows that the guy they were 'racing' was stuck behind a stalled car therefore they wouldn't know if they were and there was no chance they were. Therefore, I guess the attorney is trying to say is just because he's the child of a celebrity everybody is trying to get him in trouble and put him on the same pedestal as all of the other Hollywood trainwrecks. Nice. I'll keep you updated on how this goes down.

TNA has decided to release it's own (rather late) version of SaveUs.222. It's a puzzle that is found at There are several things that give it away that it's Booker T at Genesis. It has a picture of Sting in the upper-left corner along with Huffman and Bordon spelt backwards. Bordon is Sting's last name and Huffman is Booker's last name. It also says Genesis and the initials BT at the bottom. Done. And a little too obvious. If you do go and make the puzzle, you have to flip a few pieces and you do this by pressing Spacebar while the piece is highlighted in red.

And a really quick piece of news that shows you how gaff TNA is. They originally said it was Jay Lethal vs. Elix Skipper for the X Division Title on while on air they said it was Jay Lethal vs. Sonjay Dutt for the X Division Title. They finally cleared it up however. Nice going web team!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sting's Mystery Partner is Still Just That .. A Mystery

TNA was kind of annoying and wasn't really that great. Brief opinions in bulleted notation:
  • Karen Angle's attempts to "take care of business" are getting redundant and annoying. They need to end this running gag because it's beginning to make me gag.
  • I wouldn't have minded seeing Chris Harris complaining tonight myself.
  • The Gail Kim vs. (insert chick jobber's name here) match wasn't that great. The end just sucked too. This match isn't going to be great at Genesis.
  • Who the hell has ever seen a female jobber?
  • We had a typical tag team moment with Black Reign getting involved and an X-Division guy getting taken out.
  • Who say Sonjay Dutt getting a title shot? I definately didn't.
  • That Kaz vs. Cage match for B/S. Maybe it's because I'm a huge Raven fan I dunno but I hope that Cage owns Kaz wicked bad.

Other than that nothing really noteable happened.

WWE Releases Two ... Genesis Mistake ... Review on Impact Later ... Quick Opinion on Talent Exchange

WWE has decided to release both Chris Masters and Dr. Death Steve Williams. Williams was a trainer down in OVW and the believed reason he was booted is because he lives in Colarado and it costs too much to fly him out. WWE is just cutting it's financial corners. The next thing is, who will take his place? I'm thinking they'll send either Tommy Dreamer or Val Venis down since they seem to have nothing for either of them. Speaking of people having nothing, where's Richards and Thorn? We obviously all know why Masters was evicted, his Wellness violations have gotten too numerous plus they really seem to have nothing for him because he's such a one sided person.

Since there is really nothing, I'll hand you this piece of just really stupid information. In TV Guide's preview for Genesis they list Jeff Hardy as one of the people going there. As we all know, as far as wrestling goes TV Guide can't tell it's ass from it's elbow. Pretty funny though.

Alright, I'm going to say something about this Smackdown/ECW talent exchange. This exchange is just burying the jobbers/mid-carders on ECW. Ever since this exchange began I have not seen one bit of Stevie Richards or Kevin Thorn. They're two really talented guys just I think they should go better places. If it was my world, they'd be released, both sign with TNA, and mysteriously end up with Raven. Richards for the 293853729 time in his life. And Thorn would be a good fit with him anyway. The same is not happening on Smackdown because they have 2 hours compared to ECW's 1.

Alright, I'll post a little something after iMPACT! tonight just to break the monotony of this awful update. Hopefully they'll tell us what the hell a Shop of Horrors match is.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Word on Brooke's Release ... Nick Turns Himself In ... Pacman To Serve Full Suspension ... New Match Added to Survivor Series

According to sources the reason that Extreme Expose's Brooke was released is because she got into a tiff with Melina over furry boots that she was going to wear on Raw and that everything turned into a really diva issue with it coming out with Melina being the only one wearing furry boots on Raw. Take that for what it's worth but recently people have been released for some pretty ridiculous things. Am the only who's noticed that wrestlers are gotten a lot more divaish it seems? Oh well.

Nick Hogan aka. Nick Bollea turned himself into the police this morning because of the charges stemming from his accident where he severely injured his friend. The accident was attributed to speeding. He is being charged with reckless driving with injury resulting.

Things in the NFL do not look good for Pacman. Commisioner Roger Goodell said no to shortening his season long suspension. Many attribute it the fact that he signed up with TNA and that if he hadn't then he would be back in the NFL "making it rain". Nice.

There was a new match added to Survivor Series. It will be a triple threat for the ECW title with Miz vs. John Morrison vs. CM Punk. This oughta be interesting.

I got really bored earlier and decided what would happen if ECW was in charge of the US? So I made the cabinet for the US if ECW was in charge:

President: Paul E.
Vice President: Tommy Dreamer
Secretary of State: Raven
Secretary of Defense: Sandman
Secretary of Treasury: "The Franchise" Shane Douglas
Attorney General: Cactus Jack
Secretary of Interior: The Blue Meanie
Secretary of Agriculture: Rob Van Dam
Secretary of Commerce: Sabu
Secretary of Labor: Stevie Richards
Secretary of Health & Human Services: Mikey Whipwreck
Secretary of Housing & Development: Tazz
Secretary of Transportation: Balls Mahoney
Secretary of Energy: Chris Jericho
Secretary of Education: Cactus Jack
Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Terry Funk
Secretary of Homeland Security: Steve Austin

If you think you can do better then me. Post it!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Forgot About Lesnar's Stuff .. RIP Moolah

I forgot to mention the new information on Brock Lesnar just now. He'll be debuting at UFC 81 against Frank Mir. Here is an article I gathered from

According to Dave Meltzer of, Brock Lesnar's opponent has been officially confirmed and the terms of the contracts have been agreed to by both sides.

At UFC 81 on February 2nd it will be the former WWE superstar and NCAA amateur wrestling champion Brock Lesnar facing off against former UFC Heavyweight champion and dangeorus submission specialist Frank Mir.

What a crazy match to book considering Lesnar will want the takedown and once there, Mir has an incredibly dangerous guard and submission game for a newcomer like Lesnar to deal with.

In any matter, it's official - Brock Lesnar vs. Frank Mir for UFC 81 on February 2nd.

RIP Fabulous Moolah. You will be forever missed and remembered as the longest reigning champion at 28 years.

Stipulation Added to Survivor Series .. Speaking of SS Current Card .. Lesnar's First Opponent Announced .. Genesis Card .. Snow Gets Engaged

First off, let's get some PPV cards out of the way. Let's do a quick run down of the Survivor Series card currently.
  • Randy Orton (c) vs. Shawn Michaels (WWE Championship) - There is a special stipulation added that I'll go over later.
  • Batista (c) vs. Undertaker (World Heavyweight Championship) - Hell in a Cell (Woohoo!)
  • Triple H, the Hardy Boyz (going old skool on that one =]), Rey-Rey and Kane vs. Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Finley, and BDV.
  • Hornswoggle vs. The Great Khali

For some reason I think this PPV is going to shape up to be a decent one. And with word of Jericho's return after it I'm really looking forward to it because it means we're one day closer to a revisit of the Attitude Era.

Speaking of Attitude Era, that has to be one of the funniest Raws I have ever seen. I even got to see Duggan and Super Crazy! First 20 minutes was just DX. Memorable quote:

Triple H: Everything's cool right?
Shawn Michaels: You know I don't know cool! I'm a father of two, all I know is Higglytown Heros and the Wiggles!

Sorry, I found that amazingly hilarious. And THANK YOU Stone Cold Steve Austin for shutting Santino up. Although I'll miss "can of ass whip", "stomping a mud pie", and "that's the bottom lines". Oh well. Also, did anyone else catch the little kid in the front row who got the full on frontal of beer? That ain't cool. And it's great to see Snitsky back! Not really ...

Ahh yes, the Survivor Series stipulation I was speaking of earlier. Randy Orton requested to have the Sweet Chin Music banned from the match, and indeed it was. But, if Orton gets disqualified the title goes to Shawn Michaels. Look out for a good match.

The wedding bells will eventually be ringing in the future of Al Snow and his new fiance Cynthia "Bobcat" Lynch, who was a WWE Hardcore Champion while she was there. Al Snow is still training down in OVW. Congrats!

Nowww, the Genesis line-up. Genesis is this Sunday so buy it! It promises to be a good one. Raven will always weasel his way in, as usual.

  • Kurt Angle (c) & Kevin Nash vs. Sting & His Mystery Partner (we'll delve into potentials later) (TNA Championship): Who ever pins whoever in this match will leave the TNA Champion.
  • Samoan Joseph vs. Robert "It Pays To Be" Roode
  • Team 3D vs. MCMG - Battle for the pride of the X-Division
  • Gail Kim (c) vs. Roxxi Laveaux vs. ODB vs. Angel Williams (Women's Championship)
  • Black Reign vs. Abyss - Shop of Horrors match.

We have a few questions going into this PPV. The first is, who is Sting's mystery partner? TNA is trying to get us to believe it's Scott Hall but it can't be, Hall was never a World Champion in WWE, he was only Intercontinental Champion. The only other free agents that fit this description would be Rob Van Dam and Booker T, and RVD seems to be having fun doing what he's doing so I'm leaning towards Booker T. Good luck with TNA. Hopefully he doesn't Test/Junior Fatu you.

The other question, for myself anyway, is what the hell is a Shop of Horrors match? I'm sure this Thursday there will be a Black Reign job-out match where they tell us what it is. I look forward to finding it. Hopefully it's not a creation from the mind of Russo, I won't like it as much. Raven could have possibly thought it up? I mean, he did do Hangman's Horror and House of Fun so I could see him using his Mensa sized intelligence to do it again.

Remember, you can also catch me at The Daily Suplex. Beginning at Genesis I will also be posting my PPV Predictions and results there.

Until tomorrow.