Sunday, September 09, 2007

TNA No Surrender Right or Wrong?

Well, the announcement was what we thought, 2 hour iMPACT! starting October 4th. It will air from 9-11 EST. This could bode well for some of the jobbers in TNA (think Lance Hoyt, Raven, and Havok). Unfortunately there was no news on the signing of the "former World Champion" but it has been confirmed they DID sign someone. We're not going to be finding out soon.

Alright, here are the matches I'm right on. Tonight, I actually had a winning record.
  • Rhino vs. James Storm: This was an easy one. We knew Rhino was gonna win from the get go. Rhino beat him down. And, what did I tell you, Storm was gonna bring alcohol to the ring (in this case a keg). Rhino gored Jackie too, even better. WINNER: RHINO
  • Kaz vs. Robert Roode: This is not over, trust me. I thought Kaz, but it's not that easy with Robert Roode. Roode was pissed at Ms. Brooks for not really helping him out. I think Kaz might have just made life worse for Ms. Brooks, as much as he doesn't want to admit it. We'll see where this goes, but with more and more people getting mad at Robert Roode for what he's been doing, Kaz is going to have a lot of back up. WINNER: ROBERT ROODE
  • Black Reign vs. Chris Harris: Chris Harris has just completely had it with this guy, and I don't blame him. And now Black Reign's carrying around a rat called Misty, dude seriously this guy has recessed into his own mind. I like how BR's introduced though, "From the deepest, darkest part of his mind", I think that's a pretty cool way to be introduced. Black Reign did beat him down at the end of the match though, but Harris still pulled it off. Supposedly the match was really uneventful, so it sucked. We did see a change in Harris though, maybe we'll see more of this? WINNER: CHRIS HARRIS
  • Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage: Dude, Samoa Joe SNAPPED and I think that's the only reason why I was right. Plus, he snapped because of what Christian Cage did on Thursday to his Samoan Dancer. I can't get over this dude, I was even right on WHY he won. Amazing. WINNER: CHRISTIAN CAGE
  • Abyss vs. Kurt Angle (c) (For the TNA Heavyweight Title): Dude, Angle took him OUT! And what did I say, Judas Messias was going to have involvement, I can't wait to see how this turns out on iMPACT! WINNER: KURT ANGLE

Now, here is where I was wrong.

  • Kurt Angle & Sting (c) vs. Team Pacman (Pacman & Ron Killings) (TNA Tag Titles): This one I couldn't believe, just wow. What a one-sided tag team they're going to be. With Killings doing all the work, or K-Kwik as many WWE fans would know him as (I finally did my research on that and I right). But Team Pacman "Got Rowdy" in this one and pulled off the victory. I think this match could lead into a Sting vs. Kurt Angle feud because of what Karen Angle lied about. WINNERS: TEAM PACMAN
  • Jay Lethal vs. Kurt Angle (c) (TNA X Division Title): Well, I guess Jay Lethal pulled his "B7!" because he did get Kurt Angle's number on this one. This one I wasn't expecting but it's what Kurt Angle gets, now he's got just one title which works out and seems better. Now the Tag Titles are back with an actual tag team and the X Division is back in the X Division. All is calm in the world. WINNER: JAY LETHAL
  • TNA Tag Team Gauntlet (#1 Contender for Tag Titles): Alright, I started out with LAX, VKM, Team 3D, MCMG, or Triple X as my predicted winners. I later changed it to LAX, Triple X, or Shark Boy & Eric Young. Well, I came amazingly close, Eric Young was the last person eliminated. If I had stuck with MCMG I would have come even closer. But, half way through the match I was started thinking that Tomko & AJ Styles would win and, they did. They beat MCMG. WINNERS: TOMKO & AJ STYLES

Sorry that was so long, but it was a crazy night and not as wonderful as I hoped it would be. They're taping 3 episodes of iMPACT! tomorrow which should last them until they get their 2 hour spot. Hopefully we'll be seeing Raven sometime soon because of the control of his health problems.

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