Saturday, September 22, 2007

I Need To Speed Up .. TNA stars want to leave .. TNA BFG Women's Division .. Unforgiven Predictions (was I right?) .. and More.

I seriously need to keep up on this blog. From now on I make a promise to write everyday even if there is no serious news to go around.

Alright, here is what went down with my Unforgiven predictions. I drew it even on this PPV, I thought I was going to have a losing record but I didn't do that bad. Here are the ones I was spot on with.

  • CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke: This was easy, the "plan" is for the title to go back to Morrison when he's back from suspension. Nobody else is getting this title. MY CHOICE: CM PUNK
  • Triple H vs. Carlito: Easy enough, he's in the middle of a push so of course he's going to win. MY CHOICE: TRIPLE H
  • John Cena vs. Randy Orton: I was right technically in this one. Randy DID win by DQ (and get punted to boot) but he didn't win the title. MY CHOICE: RANDY ORTON
  • Undertaker vs. Mark Henry: Taker in the middle of a push too so of course he was going to win, plus it's a return match. I heard it wasn't that remarkable of a match either. How come all the big guys always look cool but never have good matches? It makes no sense. MY CHOICE: UNDERTAKER

So with that being said, here are the losers.

  • MVP & Matt Hardy vs. Deuce & Domino: What the heck happened here? I'm not sure what I was thinking saying "Oh yeah, D&D are gonna win." Shouldn't I have realized that odd couples that win titles never lose them until the descension becomes too much? MY CHOICE: DEUCE AND DOMINO
  • Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix: What was that all about? "All of a sudden"??? Something bad must of happened for this match to end this way. MY CHOICE: BETH PHOENIX
  • The Great Khali vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio: So this is the only way that Batista can win a title? If Rey Rey joins him in the ring? You'd think they'd give the guy that's coming back a push for the title then have him fight Batista over it? That would have made compelling TV. MY CHOICE: THE GREAT KHALI
  • Cade & Murdoch vs. Kendrick & London: Wow, what was that all about? MY CHOICE: LONDON & KENDRICK

Now let's get to subject of firings and quitting. In WWE firing news Sandman and Marcus Cor Von have been fired. The reasons behind Cor Von is because he hasn't been seen on TV in a long time because of his family problems and I guess WWE has just had enough of it. Supposedly Sandman's was a little out of left field though. He was a model employee and would always offer to help put people over (supposedly), so to everyone backstage it was either a shock or not one depending on who you ask because supposedly creative had nothing for him either. Whatever. Now in the TNA department supposedly there are a few stars who want to leave, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, LAX, and Sonjay Dutt among them. Sabin & Shelley would like to go to Japan because they have the tag titles over there while the others just want out. TNA has told them to wait it out until 2 hour where they'll be getting more TV time (but we know how TNA is about that ..)

The TNA Women's Division's main star will be .. Gail Kim! Yes, she'll be representing the title and it will be based around her, that's not saying she'll win it but she'll be the flagship star of the whole thing. The money drawing name if you will. I think Jackie and Hemme will too since they're all former WWE Divas.

Judas Mesias has only been here a few weeks and already he's got some killer injuries going. During a show he did in Mexico he was doing a dive onto somebody from a 20 foot ladder in the floor but they moved and he had no cushion and he got knocked out. He's also battling some sciatica. His recovery time cuts right into the TNA tapings for the first 2 hour shows. This does not bode well for TNA.

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