Wednesday, September 26, 2007

TNA & ECW have same rating .. Jericho or New Hard Foundation? .. BDV is angry

Since all this Jericho stuff has slowed down news has next to stopped. I've only got one Jericho update. Supposedly they were pitching this SAVE_US.222 for either Jericho or the New Hart Foundation. Something to get people thinking, but by the evidence I've seen it has to be Jericho.

The rating for ECW this week is a 1.1, which is next to the same as iMPACT!'s 1.08 last week. Hmm, could we have a Tuesday/Thursday War on our hand here? That's pretty pathetic.

After the ECW show when BDV was leaving the ring he was being heckled by fans, and he was heckling right back. Yelling at people and pegging people off, Striker is the one who has to basically push him backstage. He almost went after somebody in the audience but luckily Striker and security stopped him. Where does he think he is? Mexico?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Chris Jericho! (My Opinions) .. Kidman Return..In TNA?? .. Orton is Married .. Hardcore Holly Returns? Amazing

Not really much news today considering everyone's tied up on the Chris Jericho story. I mean, this is truly awesome, amazing. I'm impressed, WWE has done a great job of getting us intrigued again. Firstly, here's the video:

I think everyone is over interpreting this but I am going to bring up some good points.
  • They mention a ton of Jericho's title matches, they mention his matches for hardcore titles, when he won the heavyweight title, and when he won the IC title. Not to mention the year he won KOR (King of the Ring).
  • A "Save Us Y2J" poster was seen in the crowd the other night. (SaveUs.222)
  • Chris Jericho doesn't have a myspace, so don't believe that malarkey. Plus, why would he kill his own storyline? Only rookies like The Naturals do that.
  • Catman has been seen. Hmm, Lion Heart anyone?
  • Jericho hasn't slated any book signings for any Mondays in October.
  • Bookshelf is also mentioned in there somewhere.
  • Jericho debuted in 1999 interrupting The Rock and according to sources that's mentioned in there.
  • There is a part that does a very well hidden Jericho-style countdown.
  • Billy Gun isn't involved in the least. Neither is Gail Kim OR Mr. Kennedy.
  • There is a voice that says "I'm Back".
  • 7OCT = The date for No Mercy. This is also shown in the video.
  • Anymore details can be founds here.

Complete insanity. On to other debut news, TNA is going to be debuting a woman wrestler soon, so look out for that on the road to BFG. Billy Kidman has been backstage at the last 2 TNA tapings and could have been backstage at No Surrender and quite possibly tonight. I'll keep you updated on that one. How cool would it be to have Kidman and Raven back together again? They can take Havok under their wing and start a new Flock. Sort of.

The reason Randy Orton hasn't been seen on TV nor at house shows is because he got married over the weekend. Congrats to him :)

Who else was surprised when Hardcore Holly returned? I thought the guy was a goner after him still having discomfort in his elbow. Oh, and wasn't Cody Rhodes supposed to be getting a push? Whatever. Also, did you hear tons of people shout "Kennedy!"?

I'll keep you updated on more Jericho stuff.

EDIT: Steve Austin will be returning on next Monday's Raw. He'll be promoting The Condemned and starting fights like he always does.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Junior Fatu, Killlings, Pacman Up In Air .. Is Teddy Okay? .. Nash, Dawn Marie Return?

Alrighty, see I'm already keeping my promise. :)

Anyway, let's do some quick TNA news. Junior Fatu has yet to sign a deal, so currently we already know that he'll have a role in the first two 2-hour iMPACT!s. TNA is trying to get him to sign a contract. Jeff Jarrett is pushing to get Pacman in the ring again and if he does The Truth and Pacman will last a little bit longer than it is since it's currently set to end at BFG. TNA is also torn on bringing Big Sexy back into the ring to wrestle, with it being Russo vs. Mantel, Jarrett ultimately making the decision. Time will tell. There is also talk of Dawn Marie going to TNA, supposedly she wants to get back into it and she's friends with Dixie Carter, who has held the door open for her when/if she wants to come back. Also, time will tell with that one.

WWE offered up this update on Teddy Long's condition after his Friday night collapse during his wedding (which I'll discuss the good parts of in a few):
It was supposed to be a beautiful night for Theodore Long and his fiancĂ© Kristal. After months of preparation, the loving couple were finally set to say “I do”. But the evening turned horrific when the groom unexpectedly clutched his chest and fell to the ground. With an understandably upset Kristal screaming by his side, the SmackDown General Manager was motionless and unresponsive as SmackDown went off the air.

After being rushed to a local medical facility, Long’s doctors claim the groom was suffering from hypertension, which was worsened by the ingestion of the erectile dysfunction medicine Viagra.

“Mr. Long then suffered a myocardial infraction with cardio myopathy,” claims WWE’s Dr. Ferdinand Rios. “As a result, he is currently semi-comatose.”

According to Dr. Rios, Long has been slipping in and out of consciousness since early Saturday morning. At the moment, a long-term diagnosis is difficult to make. Long is currently under around-the-clock supervision, as the next few days are critical.

So, basically we have a dying Smackdown GM on our hands. The question is, if he does indeed pass off who'll take over him, and who's going to take over for him in the interim? You can't be GM whilst in a coma. This is going to be interesting. Should keep an on eye on and see if they announce anything on there. Also, could this be a rouse to retire him? He seems old enough to wave the WWE good-bye and ride off into the sunset.

Speaking of that wedding, I got back from my football game (I'm in the marching band so I play field show/in the stands) just in time, they were just bringing Reverend Bruce Bruce out. I was excited but I knew it wasn't going to end all wonderful (I mean seriously, did you see Billy and Chuck?). Anyway, the Godfather always turns up for weddings and I was so happy to see the Godfather I started yelling. Then all of the guys leave with him. We have Jillian Hall singing, Godfather, Hornwoggle freaking out. Seriously, up until the Teddy dropping part I was laughing so hard you have no idea. I was highly entertained and not disappointed by this wedding in the least. I just wanna see how they play out the whole Teddy thing.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I Need To Speed Up .. TNA stars want to leave .. TNA BFG Women's Division .. Unforgiven Predictions (was I right?) .. and More.

I seriously need to keep up on this blog. From now on I make a promise to write everyday even if there is no serious news to go around.

Alright, here is what went down with my Unforgiven predictions. I drew it even on this PPV, I thought I was going to have a losing record but I didn't do that bad. Here are the ones I was spot on with.

  • CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke: This was easy, the "plan" is for the title to go back to Morrison when he's back from suspension. Nobody else is getting this title. MY CHOICE: CM PUNK
  • Triple H vs. Carlito: Easy enough, he's in the middle of a push so of course he's going to win. MY CHOICE: TRIPLE H
  • John Cena vs. Randy Orton: I was right technically in this one. Randy DID win by DQ (and get punted to boot) but he didn't win the title. MY CHOICE: RANDY ORTON
  • Undertaker vs. Mark Henry: Taker in the middle of a push too so of course he was going to win, plus it's a return match. I heard it wasn't that remarkable of a match either. How come all the big guys always look cool but never have good matches? It makes no sense. MY CHOICE: UNDERTAKER

So with that being said, here are the losers.

  • MVP & Matt Hardy vs. Deuce & Domino: What the heck happened here? I'm not sure what I was thinking saying "Oh yeah, D&D are gonna win." Shouldn't I have realized that odd couples that win titles never lose them until the descension becomes too much? MY CHOICE: DEUCE AND DOMINO
  • Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix: What was that all about? "All of a sudden"??? Something bad must of happened for this match to end this way. MY CHOICE: BETH PHOENIX
  • The Great Khali vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio: So this is the only way that Batista can win a title? If Rey Rey joins him in the ring? You'd think they'd give the guy that's coming back a push for the title then have him fight Batista over it? That would have made compelling TV. MY CHOICE: THE GREAT KHALI
  • Cade & Murdoch vs. Kendrick & London: Wow, what was that all about? MY CHOICE: LONDON & KENDRICK

Now let's get to subject of firings and quitting. In WWE firing news Sandman and Marcus Cor Von have been fired. The reasons behind Cor Von is because he hasn't been seen on TV in a long time because of his family problems and I guess WWE has just had enough of it. Supposedly Sandman's was a little out of left field though. He was a model employee and would always offer to help put people over (supposedly), so to everyone backstage it was either a shock or not one depending on who you ask because supposedly creative had nothing for him either. Whatever. Now in the TNA department supposedly there are a few stars who want to leave, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, LAX, and Sonjay Dutt among them. Sabin & Shelley would like to go to Japan because they have the tag titles over there while the others just want out. TNA has told them to wait it out until 2 hour where they'll be getting more TV time (but we know how TNA is about that ..)

The TNA Women's Division's main star will be .. Gail Kim! Yes, she'll be representing the title and it will be based around her, that's not saying she'll win it but she'll be the flagship star of the whole thing. The money drawing name if you will. I think Jackie and Hemme will too since they're all former WWE Divas.

Judas Mesias has only been here a few weeks and already he's got some killer injuries going. During a show he did in Mexico he was doing a dive onto somebody from a 20 foot ladder in the floor but they moved and he had no cushion and he got knocked out. He's also battling some sciatica. His recovery time cuts right into the TNA tapings for the first 2 hour shows. This does not bode well for TNA.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Unforgiven Predictions

Sorry if I seem a few days behind, I decided to take a quick break from wrestling blogging because of band and school (I'm being jam packed at the moment). As most of you know, tonight is WWE's Unforgiven PPV, featuring the return of the man who can't be destroyed, Undertaker. Here is what I think will go down, from the bottom of the card, up.
  • MVP & Matt Hardy (c) vs. Deuce and Domino [w/ Cherry] (WWE Tag Team Championship Match): Alright, one of two things could happen here. MVP and Matt Hardy could stop being so sarcastically nice to one another, work together, and pull this thing off. The other thing is that they could pull a Sting and Kurt Angle and turn on each other, ultimately losing their titles. We could also see another Matt Hardy doing all the work and MVP picking up the scraps and winning for them. Personally, I think they'll lose the titles to Deuce and Domino so they can focus more on the US title. PROBABLE WINNERS: DEUCE AND DOMINO
  • Candice Michelle (c) vs. Beth Phoenix (Women's Championship Match): I'm behind Beth Phoenix on this one 100%. The only possible way Candice Michelle can win this match is by outside involvement (highly unlikely) or just really kicking her butt (which is also highly unlikely). This is Phoenix's push, therefore she shall pick up the victory and the title. PROBABLE WINNER: BETH PHOENIX
  • Cade & Murdoch (c) vs. London & Kendrick (World Tag Team Championship Match): I'm totally behind London and Kendrick. Since they hold the record for most days holding the other tag title, wouldn't it be fitting if they did that with this title too? Then again I could be bias because I've never really seen Cade & Murdoch wrestle, maybe once I've seen them wrestle. London & Kendrick have already won the title, who says they can't do it again? PROBABLE WINNERS: LONDON & KENDRICK
  • CM Punk (c) vs. Elijah Burke (ECW Championship Match): CM Punk can't drop the title, he's going back against John Morrison and giving it back to him when he's off suspension. PROBABLE WINNER: CM PUNK
  • Undertaker vs. Mark Henry: Undertaker is gonna put an end to Mark Henry once and for all. I'm sick of seeing him in the ring going on and on about how he "took out" the Undertaker. I'm sorry, but nobody "takes out" Taker, that's not right. Taker is gonna put him in his place. PROBABLE WINNER: UNDERTAKER
  • Triple H vs. Carlito: When was the last time Carlito won a match? PROBABLE WINNER: TRIPLE H
  • The Great Khali (c) vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio (World Heavyweight Championship Match) - The Great Khali will keep the title after completely annihilating both Batista and Rey-Rey. In the end though, they will put up a good fight, but I don't think two men can knock Khali. It just doesn't seem right. PROBABLE WINNER: KHALI
  • John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton (WWE Championship Match): You can only hold a title for so long until it gets old. Randy will pick up the victory, since Cena's head will be in another place (just like Samoa Joe's at No Surrender in a match he lost). Plus, it's about Randy's time. PROBABLE WINNER: RANDY ORTON

I'll write some more news later tonight, and I'll write tomorrow to let you know if I was correct, or if I wasn't. As usual. =]

Sunday, September 09, 2007

TNA No Surrender Right or Wrong?

Well, the announcement was what we thought, 2 hour iMPACT! starting October 4th. It will air from 9-11 EST. This could bode well for some of the jobbers in TNA (think Lance Hoyt, Raven, and Havok). Unfortunately there was no news on the signing of the "former World Champion" but it has been confirmed they DID sign someone. We're not going to be finding out soon.

Alright, here are the matches I'm right on. Tonight, I actually had a winning record.
  • Rhino vs. James Storm: This was an easy one. We knew Rhino was gonna win from the get go. Rhino beat him down. And, what did I tell you, Storm was gonna bring alcohol to the ring (in this case a keg). Rhino gored Jackie too, even better. WINNER: RHINO
  • Kaz vs. Robert Roode: This is not over, trust me. I thought Kaz, but it's not that easy with Robert Roode. Roode was pissed at Ms. Brooks for not really helping him out. I think Kaz might have just made life worse for Ms. Brooks, as much as he doesn't want to admit it. We'll see where this goes, but with more and more people getting mad at Robert Roode for what he's been doing, Kaz is going to have a lot of back up. WINNER: ROBERT ROODE
  • Black Reign vs. Chris Harris: Chris Harris has just completely had it with this guy, and I don't blame him. And now Black Reign's carrying around a rat called Misty, dude seriously this guy has recessed into his own mind. I like how BR's introduced though, "From the deepest, darkest part of his mind", I think that's a pretty cool way to be introduced. Black Reign did beat him down at the end of the match though, but Harris still pulled it off. Supposedly the match was really uneventful, so it sucked. We did see a change in Harris though, maybe we'll see more of this? WINNER: CHRIS HARRIS
  • Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage: Dude, Samoa Joe SNAPPED and I think that's the only reason why I was right. Plus, he snapped because of what Christian Cage did on Thursday to his Samoan Dancer. I can't get over this dude, I was even right on WHY he won. Amazing. WINNER: CHRISTIAN CAGE
  • Abyss vs. Kurt Angle (c) (For the TNA Heavyweight Title): Dude, Angle took him OUT! And what did I say, Judas Messias was going to have involvement, I can't wait to see how this turns out on iMPACT! WINNER: KURT ANGLE

Now, here is where I was wrong.

  • Kurt Angle & Sting (c) vs. Team Pacman (Pacman & Ron Killings) (TNA Tag Titles): This one I couldn't believe, just wow. What a one-sided tag team they're going to be. With Killings doing all the work, or K-Kwik as many WWE fans would know him as (I finally did my research on that and I right). But Team Pacman "Got Rowdy" in this one and pulled off the victory. I think this match could lead into a Sting vs. Kurt Angle feud because of what Karen Angle lied about. WINNERS: TEAM PACMAN
  • Jay Lethal vs. Kurt Angle (c) (TNA X Division Title): Well, I guess Jay Lethal pulled his "B7!" because he did get Kurt Angle's number on this one. This one I wasn't expecting but it's what Kurt Angle gets, now he's got just one title which works out and seems better. Now the Tag Titles are back with an actual tag team and the X Division is back in the X Division. All is calm in the world. WINNER: JAY LETHAL
  • TNA Tag Team Gauntlet (#1 Contender for Tag Titles): Alright, I started out with LAX, VKM, Team 3D, MCMG, or Triple X as my predicted winners. I later changed it to LAX, Triple X, or Shark Boy & Eric Young. Well, I came amazingly close, Eric Young was the last person eliminated. If I had stuck with MCMG I would have come even closer. But, half way through the match I was started thinking that Tomko & AJ Styles would win and, they did. They beat MCMG. WINNERS: TOMKO & AJ STYLES

Sorry that was so long, but it was a crazy night and not as wonderful as I hoped it would be. They're taping 3 episodes of iMPACT! tomorrow which should last them until they get their 2 hour spot. Hopefully we'll be seeing Raven sometime soon because of the control of his health problems.

Actually Excited For PPV? .. Announcements .. Booker T Hands in Notice .. Ric Flair Retraction .. Suspension Thing Gone Awry .. Change My Mind

For the first time in my life I'm actually excited for a TNA PPV. For some reason this one just seems like it's going to intrigue me greatly. I'll be using and to get the live updates online. Hopefully they do it fast enough so that I can know who gets eliminated in order during the Gauntlet match. Dude, why the hell do they call it a Gauntlet? That's kinda dumb.

Supposedly the 2 major announcements are the two hours and the signing. Obviously the new person isn't going to be there because nobody backstage even knows.

Booker T handed in his 2 weeks notice because he doesn't want to serve his 60 day suspension (so he definately was suspended). I don't see why he didn't quit long ago, he's as old as Raven and has tons of other things working for him outside of WWE. So, just go, please. And bring that skank of a wife with you.

Ric Flair got asked in an interview if he really quit WWE to which he replied that he didn't. He said he's going back to that same station next week where he'll talk more about it.

This whole suspension thing has gotten crazy, we still have no clue who has been suspended. Which is just out of control. At this point, I really just don't care.

I change my mind on my decision for the Tag Team Gauntlet match set for tonight. I'm taking a few people off my list and adding some. The ones I originally chose were Motor City Machineguns, Triple X, LAX, VKM, and Team 3D. I'm taking off MCMG, VKM, and Team 3D. MCMG needs to do more work on air, VKM has better things to do, and Team 3D need to finish off The Steiners. I ended up watching The Road To No Surrender last night and EY and Shark Boy won a match for the #20 slot, which EY is getting. I'm throwing them in there as the dark horses. REVISED PROBABLE WINNER(S): Triple X, LAX, or EY & Shark Boy

See you guys DIRECTLY AFTER the PPV (for the first time) with the results and if I was right or wrong. =]

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Oh, and by the way ..

Happy Birthday Raven!

Raven turns 43 today.

Major TNA Announcement .. No Surrender Predictions .. Raven Feeling Better

Hello hello, I finally have TNA news. =] TNA has been teasing at a major announcement set to be announced this Sunday at No Surrender. Obviously it's going to have something to do with the 2 hours, but they're also talking about a new wrestler secretly being signed and that they will be announced this Sunday. I'm leaning toward it being Brock Lesnar, but I'm not sure at this moment in time. From what I know last time they had announced Kurt Angle, it would only be fitting if Brock Lesnar was announced in the same manner as his friend. Judas Messias a possibility?

Now, here are my predictions for this Sunday at No Surrender:
  • 10 Team Gauntlet Match (VKM vs. LAX vs. Team 3D vs. Motor City Machineguns vs. Triple X vs. Tomko & AJ Styles vs. Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams vs. Raven & Havok vs. EY & Shark Boy vs. Lance Hoyt and (the debuting) Jimmy Rave): This is sort of a tough one but there are some you can automatically get rid of, Hoyt & Rave, EY & Shark Boy, Serotonin (at least what's left of it), Sonjay & Petey, and Tomko & AJ Styles. So that leaves us with LAX, Team 3D, MCMG, VKM, and Triple X. My prediction would be anyone of those, my money weighing heavily on Team 3D so they actually have a reason to fight with The Steiners over something. PROBABLE WINNER(S): VKM, LAX, TEAM 3D, MCMG, OR TRIPLE X
  • No Disqualification Match (Black Reign vs. Chris Harris): Chris Harris is definately going to find some crazy way to win, he'll find a way to get into the mind of Black Reign, which I think from his outburst on iMPACT! on Thursday he already has. Black Reign will put up a good fight, but Chris Harris will come out on top. PROBABLE WINNER: CHRIS HARRIS
  • Kazarian vs. Robert Roode: Not only is Robert "It Pays To Be" Roode going to lose his girl, he's gonna lose this match too. Kaz just has a lot of years on him and a lot of agility. I'm all for Kaz in this match, he's not my favorite guy in the world but hey, anybody is better than Robert Roode the friggin' woman beater. We all know Traci is gonna get involved, so either she'll get involved and run off with Kaz or get involved and cost Kaz the match. She'll be getting a beating at the end no matter what. Bringing up that new point, I change my mind Roode is gonna win. PROBABLE WINNER: ROBERT ROODE
  • Rhino vs. James Storm: Rhino fell off the wagon? James, have you checked yourself lately? I'm leaning toward Storm coming to the ring drunk off his ass, drunk to the point where Sandman or Steve Austin would be proud. He's probably gonna offer Rhino a beer and Rhino is just gonna beat him down. PROBABLE WINNER: RHINO
  • Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage: With Christian's little lackeys having gotten their asses beat the beginning of the night they're not going to be happy. Either of these things could happen, we know they'll be getting involved to begin with and Samoa Joe could thwart it or he could just get his ass beat. His mind is also not in the right place after the attack on one of his Samoan dancers. Christian Cage on this one. PROBABLE WINNER: CHRISTIAN CAGE
  • X Division Championship Match (Jay Lethal vs. Kurt Angle [c]): Kurt Angle. He'll keep it. Has to. Just to rub it in everyone's faces. PROBABLE WINNER: KURT ANGLE
  • Tag Team Title Match (Team Pacman {Pacman Jones & Ron Killings} vs. Kurt Angle & Sting [c]): Once again, just to rub it in everyone's faces Kurt Angle & Sting will retain the titles. I thought Pacman wasn't supposed to be wrestling? PROBABLE WINNERS: KURT ANGLE & STING
  • Heavyweight Championship Match (Abyss vs. Kurt Angle [c]): Judas Messias will get involved and cost Abyss the match. Or, Abyss could win and then feud with Judas over it, which I highly doubt. Kurt Angle will win just to rub. PROBABLE WINNER: KURT ANGLE

That's how that goes. According to sources Raven's health problems have slowed down so we'll be seeing him on TV a lot more often, which makes me very excited. =]

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Test Released .. Flair Hands in Notice .. Benoit Had Brain Damage

TNA released Andrew Martin today. Supposedly he didn't mesh with anyone backstage that much, which means he was a major ass. Isn't he known for that though? Supposedly they asked him to shrink up a little bit muscle wise. Never thought you'd hear a wrestling company say that.

It's become public that Ric Flair handed in his 2-week notice a few weeks ago. WWE hasn't granted his release yet and are doing everything they can to keep him though. Speaking of signing people, there is a HIGH chance that Chris Jericho will return to WWE after the amount of money they supposedly offered him.

It turns out Chris Benoit had severe brain damage when he killed his wife & son and then himself. According to the doctor who did the examination his brain resembled that of a "85-year-old Alzheimer's patient". I feel that it could have been a huge contributing factor.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Henry Not Leaving .. JR Up In The Air .. WWE Return News .. McMahons To Become Regulars .. Names Mentioned As Suspended on Wikipedia

Alright, now we've got some decently normal, non-release/suspension related news.

Mark Henry inked a new deal that extends his contract so that he's not leaving after Unforgiven which would give Taker and himself a better storyline. I would think that they'd make this storyline longer just so they can build Taker up some speed after his return at Unforgiven. Then he'll move on to other stuff.

Speaking of contracts, JR's one year contract is about to expire and according to sources there have been no talks with him, but they also haven't been working on someone to take his place. Nothing much else is known at this point but when word comes around I'll let you know.

Now some WWE return news, opposite direction than what we've heard. WWE might be trying to rush Shawn Michael's return which is something that HBK isn't too keen on. They're still working on trying to bring him back though so we'll see where this goes. Chris Jericho is also in talks to return to WWE, and he's probably going to be getting a deal that's more to his liking than anybody else's. His agent, Barry Bloom, says that Jericho has a lot of leverage. I'm sure that he'll use it to his advantage. Unfortunately, it's not going to be a "right away" return, just like HBK's. I'll keep you updated.

After tonight Stephanie, Linda, and Shane are going to become regulars to WWE television again. They're also thinking about bringing the fact that Steph & HHH are married back to TV because everyone already knows as is.

Wikipedia mentioned a few suspended names. They've got King Booker, Umaga, William Regal, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters, and John Morrison. Sharmell isn't going to be around either until KB comes back.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

This Is Friggin' INSANITY!

Not only are we suspending people, which is supposedly, according to Stephanie McMahon at yesterday's ECW/Smackdown talent meeting at about 13 (this could be wrong or they're BSing the media).

WWE released Cryme Tyme today after an incident that involved them and Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch at a house show. So there goes the fun and games that were actually making Raw interesting. Eugene was released too as previously reported. Are they trying to clear out the locker rooms or what?

Tommy Dreamer has taken Simon Dean's place in the interim until they find a replacement. They're thinking either Ty Bailey or Val Venis, Ty works in the office and Val has been in WWE forever. I seriously want to see Tommy on TV and I think Val Venis just needs to stop jobbing and find something else to do.

Batista wants to sue the media for saying his name in the whole pharmacy thing. He says he never bought anything from them and he's pissed off that Sports Illustrated and other places mentioned his name.

The business has fallen into turmoil in the span of a week. My question is, what's going to happen to TNA?

People We KNOW Are Suspended (Spoilers) .. WWE Spoils It's Own Storyline, Dummies

Alright, from information I've gathered, we have a few people that we know for a fact are suspended. Mr. Kennedy and Umaga are said to be going to a Raw house show. Chris Masters is the mysterious 60 day person because only Randy Orton and himself were doubletime offenders. Supposedly Randy wasn't suspended because he fessed up months ago, which everyone thinks is complete bull, and I do too. It's just because he's in that high profile story line. Simon Dean was fired, so that handles him.

We also know John Morrison is suspended which leads us into the SPOILER ALERT. According to CM Punk is the new ECW champion, which means Morrison was suspended. On Monday it's supposed to be Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga, and Umaga was mentioned on the list so I think we already know where that title is going. So out of 11, we already know the fate of 7 (read down for why there are 7, not 6 if you've been keeping score). We'll probably find out more soon enough.

The 11th person who got suspended was for missing their flight, not steroids like everyone thinks, supposedly anyway.

On to other sports news that interests me, Clay Buchholz threw a no-hitter for the Sox and a Pats player is suspended 4 games for the same thing WWE has been suspending it's wrestlers for. This is getting crazy man.

Eugene got released too, currently it's not known why, even to him. It could be because he was suspended in 2005 for a Wellness violation and he's considered a "liability". That's just my thinking anyway. It's a good theory too, we'll find that out later I guess.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

UFC Fighter Fired (This Is Great, Seriously)

I got this from The Daily Suplex.

Dave Meltzer reported at that UFC president Dana White has confirmed that Renato Sobral has been released from his contract.

Sobral was involved in a controversial match that did not air on the UFC 74 pay-per-view. Sobral choked out his opponent David Heath and refused to immediately release the hold. Sobral and Heath had exchanged words at the weigh in.

After Sobral released the choke, Heath was unconscious and twitching on the mat.

Why do I find that so amazingly awesome? Is it because I'm a sick twisted freak? Or because it proves that UFC is just insanely awesome. You be the judge.