Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Against All Odds '08 Predictions

Finally, I get back to this blog, and hopefully it's for good.
  • Eric Young vs. James Storm (w/ Jackie Moore) (DCS Match, Storm picks the stip.): This match is to decide who the real drinking champion is. It's been decided that James Storm, the man who won last time, decides the stipulation for this match. Does anybody see a bar room brawl coming out of this? As far as winner goes, I think Eric Young is going to win again. That is, unless Storm pulls out some crazy tactics that gain him the win. But, I'm really leaning towards Young. PROBABLE WINNER: ERIC YOUNG
  • Traci Brooks vs. Payton Banks: I think Payton Banks is going to win. Robert Roode will probably cause some type of distraction and it'll cost Brooks the match. Plus, TNA operates really funny so it'll definately be Rain--I mean Payton winning it. PROBABLE WINNER: PAYTON BANKS
  • Scott Steiner vs. Petey Williams (Case vs. Case match): This match is for the two remaining Feast or Fired cases. There has been a pretty decent war going on between Petey & Scott about who gets which case. Well, Jim Cornette found a solution; a case vs. case match with the winner taking both cases. I'm all for Petey bringing home the gold. He won't win the Heavyweight title, but he'll definately get the X Division title. Power to the Maple Leaf Muscle! PROBABLE WINNER: PETEY WILLIAMS
  • Booker T vs. Robert Roode: Booker T needs his night of revenge and he said we'll never forget AAO, and I wouldn't doubt him for a minute. It's good to have the old Booker back. So, Booker T has this. PROBABLE WINNER: BOOKER T
  • Motor City Machineguns & Jay Lethal vs. Team 3D & Johnny Devine (c) (Hardcore Street Fight): For those of you who don't know, this match has many stipulations. If MCMG & Lethal win, the person who gains the pinfall is the new X Divison champion and Team 3D can only wrestle when both of them reach below 275 lbs.; basically 3D has a weight limit if they win. If Team 3D & Devine win, the X Division is disbanded forever and the title means nothing. Team 3D & Devine have been winning by knocking the ref out as of recent and I wouldn't doubt it they did it this time so I'm saying the match goes in favor of Brothers Devon, Ray, & Devine. Watch this, the one time I pick them they lose. Excellent. PROBABLE WINNERS: TEAM 3D & JOHNNY DEVINE
  • AJ Styles & Tomko (c) vs. BG James & Bullet Bob Armstrong (TNA Tag Titles): Supposedly there is going to be a presenting of colors before the match & the Marines are going to be in attendence to support Bullet Bob and BG James; they have a long history with the Marines so they have major support. AJ & Tomko have been having some major differences lately but I highly doubt that'll make much of a difference. Kip James still seems really ticked off about not being BG's partner, even if it is BG's Dad. When they were cutting their promo on iMPACT! on Thursday Kip sounded really fake, which tells me he might be planning something. PROBABLE WINNERS: TOMKO & AJ
  • Awesome Kong (c) vs. ODB (Women's Title): Something tells me this is going to be another Beth Phoenix/Candice Michelle situation. Just like WWE is saving the belt for Candice, TNA is probably saving the belt for Gail Kim. So, it's still going to be Kong's. Should still be a good match regardless. Plus, isn't there going to be a rematch next week that's going to be a no DQ match? PROBABLE WINNER: AWESOME KONG
  • Abyss vs. Judas Mesias (w/ James Mitchell) (Barbed Wire Massacre II): This match is so bloody that it had to be pre-taped in Orlando rather than done live in South Carolina. With this match, I'm really not sure. Probably Judas Mesias because he beat him last time and TNA is probably trying to ECW these guys, therefore the heel wins first before the face does. Therefore, put Mesias on a winning streak against Abyss and at Abyss' last chance he wins. So, this ought to be a good match seeing as I'm a fan of these types of matches. Plus, didn't ECW do something like this before? PROBABLE WINNER: JUDAS MESIAS
  • Kurt Angle (c) vs. Christian Cage (Heavyweight title) (w/ Samoa Joe as Special Enforcer): So many wildcards in this match it's not even funny. You've got Karen & AJ who'll get involved in a milli-second if it'll keep the belt on Kurt. But, you've got Tomko on Cage's side to counteract Karen & AJ. AND, you've got Joe as the special enforcer. Kurt tried to threaten Joe to be fair on iMPACT! and Joe was buying none of it. Therefore, Christian is probably going to win but who remembers TNA's new policy? If someone wins on a DQ the champion still walks away the champ. Therefore, Christian Cage will win BUT Kurt Angle keeps the title. PROBABLE WINNER: CHRISTIAN CAGE BY DQ

And that's about the long and short of this PPV. Stick around for the reactions/results of the PPV.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Final Resolution Reactions, Show back to WWE, Harris & Killings to WWE, Current Rumble Participants

Here are my reactions to Final Resolution. Rather belated yes, but here they are none the less.
  • LAX vs. Rock n Rave Infection: This match was overall good and decent way to start off the PPV. The crowd popped huge when Shelly Martinez (or, as they call her in TNA, Selinas) made her debut. Christy Hemme's reaction was the greatest too. And, as usual, I liked Hernandez all during the match. Hernandez = Very talented individual.
  • Kaz vs. Black Reign: This match was overall decent. Kaz taking Black Reign's "arctic fox" was one of those head scratchers but I hope Marlina is happy with her newly decorated cage and new name. But, anyway, not my favorite match but definately interesting.
  • Gail Kim (c) vs. Awesome Kong (No DQ) (Knockouts Champ): I liked this match a lot. TNA is really pushing it's boundaries with it's women's division. They're doing stuff that WWE wouldn't even TRY to do. This match was REALLY good though, easily the show stealer on the PPV. There were a lot of rumors going around post-match that Gail Kim had hurt her knee after that hanging incident but those are not true. I loved this match, and WWE wouldn't dare to EVER main event their women's division either.
  • Judas Mesias vs. Abyss: I was completely blown away when Judas Mesias won this. I mean, Abyss has been manhandling everyone else but I guess Judas was just too much this time around. It's great to see Mesias back and especially since we finally saw the match that had such a huge build up. Almost lighting him on fire was pretty weird however, although it would have been interesting to see.
  • Booker T & Sharmell vs. Robert Roode & Ms. Brooks: Not my favorite match in the world, especially since Robert Roode forced Ms. Brooks to basicially follow him like a little sheep, as usual. Anyway, it wasn't that bad and I wasn't expecting Sharmell to go in at all, but she's the one who got the pin fall, unfortunately she was taken out by Robert Roode. I can't wait to see what Booker does to him, especially since Brooks is gone and this Peyton Banks chick is in.
  • MCMG & Jay Lethal vs. Team 3D & Johnny Devine: Holy schnikes! Johnny Devine almost died like 3 times in the duration of this match AND he ended up getting one of the injury Xes from the referee. Other than that, Guns did a good job selling their hand injuries and Team 3D thought with their heads when they did the Devon holds on the rope/Brother Ray walks idea. Anyway, I liked the match except for the ending. I could be biased however seeing as I'm a Johnny Devine fan.
  • AJ Styles & Tomko (c) vs. Kevin Nash & Samoa Joe (Tag Team Titles): Okay, so maybe I was wrong about Nash & Joe. Anyway, Nash just walking away is going to create some good "angry Joe" promos and some good Nash vs. Joe matches. I'm excited. It's really weird seeing AJ on one side with Tomko his estranged partner, like they still talk but AJ is all with Kurt and Tomko is just off on his own. It's just a really strange way for things to run.
  • Kurt Angle (c) vs. Christian Cage (Heavyweight Title): I was right on one thing, this match rode on who AJ chose, and personally I think AJ made a pretty bad decision. Nonetheless, this match was all Cage until AJ "stabbed him in the back". I liked the match and hopefully Cage gets another title shot.

Now that's enough of that. Onto news ..

There was a rumor going that WWE signed a multi-time world champion and there was a lot going around about who it would be. The next rumor that went around: Paul "Big Show" Wright would be making his return to the WWE ring. If he is indeed coming back, I'm excited, probably one of my favorite wrestlers and even though he maybe skinnier he's still the Big Show. Big Show vs. Mark Henry or Big Daddy V anyone?

One of the current rumors going around is that WWE has signed Ron Killings to a contract. Other than that, nothing else (to me anyway) is known. I'll keep you update.

A lot of people are saying that Chris Harris, who is officially done with TNA, has signed with WWE but there are a lot of conflicting reports. Some are saying he signed a regular deal and a few people are saying that his agent has only signed some type of deal with WWE. No matter what, even if his agent did sign a deal, he's still probably going to WWE anyway. I can't wait to see him back on my television screen and hopefully not whiny. Also, his old AMW partner James Storm inked a new contract with TNA.

Here is a list of the people who are already confirmed on as participants in the Royal Rumble: Umaga, Snitsky, Hardcore Holly, The Miz, John Morrison, Hornswoggle, Mick Foley, Batista, Undertaker, Kane, Jamie Noble, Finley, Cody Rhodes, Carlito, & Santino Marella. I'll keep you updated on participants as they're announced.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Massaro & DaBone, Killings in WWE, Rock Might Induct Family into HOF, McIntyre to Raw

Happy New Year! My resolution: Post here more. I think I have a little bit of a good thing going here and I keep screwing it up by not posting sooooo ..

The general feelings are, based on what's going on at house shows for Raw is that Ashley Massaro will be moving to Raw. Raw also hosts Paul London whom Ashley is currently dating. Anyway, she'll most likely be managing Atlas DaBone who is coming up to the main Raw roster in the near future. Ashley, prior to DaBone's matchs at house shows, has been going out there and speaking about Survivor and how she's glad to be back. After the match she'll then leave with DaBone. So, put two and two together and that is the conclusion you can come away with.

Word is that WWE might be "getting rowdy" again with Ron Killings. WWE has supposedly offered Killings a contract but no word on what he has said. I'll keep you updated because Ron Killings coming to WWE will make me extremely happy.

WWE is interested in having The Rock induct Rocky Johnson and Peter Maivia into the HOF and having been (supposedly) sending out feelers to him. The Rock has been really interested in doing it (according to sources) and it all depends on if his movie schedule will allow it. I hope it does because that'd be a pretty nice touch to an already great day for Johnson and Maivia.

Remember, tonight is TNA's first PPV of 2008 Final Resolution. Come back here after the PPV to hear my reactions. It might be a little delayed because I'm not going to be reading the online update like I usually do, I'll probably be downloading the torrent for it. Anyway, you'll definately see them tomorrow here and on The Daily Suplex, which now has it's own link on this page.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Final Resolution 2007 Predictions

And here are my prediction's for this Sunday's PPV Final Resolution.
  • LAX vs. Rock n Rave Infection: I HIGHLY predict that LAX has this one in the bag. Word on the street is that Shelly Martinez has confirmed her appearance this Sunday so she'll becoming out as a member of the Latino Nation. Therefore, she will fully distract Jimmy Rave, Hoyt, and Hemme and give LAX the victory. PROBABLE WINNERS: LAX
  • Abyss vs. Judas Mesias: Abyss hasn't lost to any of them yet, so I wouldn't be amazed if he won this one. He's beat Raven, Black Reign, and Rellik at least once each so he'll definately beat Judas, as much as he's the head honcho of all them. Anyway, Abyss for the win. PROBABLE WINNER: ABYSS
  • Kaz vs. Black Reign: Kaz is one pissed off dude right now, so he's going to come out swinging. Remember, Black Reign has a bad track record at PPVs but Kaz is pretty good on PPVs so I think Kaz has this. Plus, who wouldn't be pissed off if their opponent put a rat over their head in a bag? Yeah, Kaz has this one. PROBABLE WINNER: KAZ
  • Booker T & Sharmell vs. Robert Roode & Ms. Brooks: Ms. Brooks wants absolutely nothing to do this match so it's going to be all Roode during the match. I've also heard that this weekend they'll begin the full on seperation of Roode & Brooks that should give Booker & Shamell the clear victory. Therefore, Booker & Sharmell will win on the fact that Ms. Brooks either assists or just walks away. PROBABLE WINNER: BOOKER T & SHARMELL
  • Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong (Knockout Champion) (No DQ): Alright, I would love to say Awesome Kong but they've given Kim a lot to work with it being no DQ. This could also mean Kong shines brightly as well because now she can do more. Plus, I want to see the belt OFF Gail Kim. At least for like a month or something, I hate seeing someone with the belt for too long a time. Plus, I think it's Kong's time to shine pretty soon (even though she was eliminated at the 4th seed area in the gauntlet on Thursday). I'll jump out on a limb, and say Kong. PROBABLE WINNER: AWESOME KONG
  • MCMG & Jay Lethal vs. Team 3D & Johnny Devine (Ultimate X): Don't even need to discuss this one. Yeah, they may have injured MCMG's hands but that doesn't mean anything. It's time for Lethal to get his gold back because it's only so long before this sorta gets old. No explanation needed, MCMG & Lethal. PROBABLE WINNERS: MCMG & JAY LETHAL
  • AJ Styles & Tomko (c) vs. Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash (Tag Team Titles): The one thing I always remember is that in TNA weird things happen with their titles. They'll totally lead you in one direction and then just drag you in the other and you'll be like, "Holy crap! I didn't see that coming!" So, their title matchs are generally really hard to predict. You have a pissed off Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash but at the same time something odd could click with AJ & Tomko and they could just go off and do it. Plus Cage or Angle could break things up, or make them worse between the champs. I'll say Nash & Joe just because I think Tomko is going to go off on his own and he'll be tied to AJ as a tag team champ. PROBABLE WINNERS: SAMOA JOE & KEVIN NASH
  • Kurt Angle (c) vs. Christian Cage (Heavyweight Title): Now this match is really going to throw me off. It all weighs on what AJ does, we already know that Tomko is out of the picture after what he said to Angle last Thursday. The question is, what is AJ going to do? TNA has done a good job of making AJ just look completely clueless and able to throw you off as to who will win. But, no matter whose side that AJ takes, Angle has found a way around everybody he's faced thus far. Therefore, Angle. PROBABLE WINNER: KURT ANGLE

Stick around later for my reactions to the PPV.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Armageddon Predictions

Here are my predictions about tonight's WWE Armageddon 2007 PPV:
  • Finley vs. Great Khali: I'm all for Finley on this one, it's going to take some tricky manuevering from him and Hornswoggle but I got the feeling that they've got it. I mean, Khali has been attacking him for the past two weeks and it only makes sense that Finley just goes for it and wins. So yeah, Finley all the way. PROBABLE WINNER: FINLEY
  • Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy: Shawn Michaels must pull this off, no possible way he can lose to Kennedy. Kennedy has been trying to play mindgames I think the only time the guy playing mindgames actually won, was maybe 2-3 years ago in a match I probably don't even remember (I definately don't remember). Shawn Michaels for the win on this one. PROBABLE WINNER: SHAWN MICHAELS
  • CM Punk & Kane vs. Big Daddy V & Mark Henry: Who didn't this match coming? I had a feeling they were going to have this kind of match on PPV, because we all know the ECW title isn't worth defending on a PPV scale. Dumbies. Anyway, I got the feeling that CM Punk and Kane are going to pull off a victory on this one. Yeah, BDV & Henry are HUGE AND they've got Matt Striker, but CM Punk and Kane have a little bit of momentum going into this and I think it's enough to carry them. PROBABLE WINNERS: CM PUNK & KANE
  • Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy (Winner gets a shot at the WWE Championship at Royal Rumble): Easy one, the Hardys always get screwed therefore Triple H has this. We all know the Hardys have the talent, they just haven't been given a full on main event set-up and they're starting to get it now (at least one of them is) but I don't think they're going to get carried to the title. Plus, Triple H only sees one thing in his life: gold. PROBABLE WINNER: TRIPLE H
  • Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Mickie James (WWE Women's Championship): We all know that Mickie James is going to be injured in the process of this match, win or lose. Anyway, welllll .. I really don't know. I would love to say Beth Phoenix keeps it so that Candice Michelle can win it back, and that would make sense. So, I'll go with that. PROBABLE WINNER: BETH PHOENIX
  • MVP (c) vs. Rey Mysterio (US Championship): Oddly enough, I think MVP is gonna keep it, he could end up saving it for the return of Matt Hardy BUT Rey could win it and then lose it back to MVP. Hmm, this is a toughie. For the record, I'll say MVP. PROBABLE WINNER: MVP
  • Randy Orton (c) vs. Chris Jericho (WWE Championship): Chris Jericho just got here, and I think he needs to stay out of the title picture at the moment. Keep him as a mid-carder/upper mid-carder and then just build him up. Plus, they should build up Randy Orton as unstoppable a little bit more too. Therefore, Randy Orton will come out victorious tonight. PROBABLE WINNER: RANDY ORTON
  • Batista (c) vs. Undertaker vs. Edge (Triple Threat) (World Championship): Oh damn, I have a really good feeling that Batista is not leaving the champ tonight, it's just that simple. And Edge is on a roll but he just got off injury so why throw the strap on him right after he gets back? I say give it to Undertaker, overcome the adversity of Vickie and Edge and finally beat Batista for the title with Edge legally being involved. Taker is gonna be the new champion leaving Armageddon. PROBABLE WINNER: UNDERTAKER

And that's about it for Armageddon. I'll post my reactions after the PPV and a little bit of news later.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Small Break, Predictions/Reactions Still to Come

I'm taking a minor break for this weekend and only posting the reactions/predictions for tomorrow's Armageddon PPV. On Monday, I'll kick it all back off with news everyday because I seriously need something new to do with my time.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Delayed Turning Point Reactions ..15th Anniversary Information ... The Truth is Gone from TNA

Here are my delayed Turning Point reactions. Dude, I suck so bad.

  • ODB & Roxxi Leveaux vs. Angelina Love & Velvet Sky: I was a little taken a back by this match but may be they could step over the one storyline women's boundary and start something here? Decent match however. ODB and the "liquid courage" never quit.
  • Team 3D & Johnny Devine vs. MCMG & Jay Lethal: Holy crap I wasn't expecting that! This has got me excited and seeing Johnny Devine is great, I really like that guy and not only as a wrestler. Anyway, they still have the title even after the ladder match. It's good stuff and go Team 3D! Teach MCMG how to play the game!
  • Feast or Fired: Well, Petey Williams, Senshi, Scott Steiner, and BG James. Hot damn this'll be interesting. But, with Christopher Daniel's winning the departing Senshi's briefcase I can't wait to see how this turns out. And Matt Morgan needs to stay more on top of this stuff!
  • Eric Young vs. James Storm: Textbook, just didn't see the miscommunications coming in there.
  • Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong: Holy crap she lost it! Best match on the card, this feud is really good so they should keep it going. Plus, both of these chicks can wrestle a great match.
  • Abyss & Raven vs. Black Reign & Rellik: Raven on the face side of this match? What is this? I was really confused by this but I marked out anyway because it's Raven, and that's just how I am about him. Anyway, Rellik jammed tacks in Raven's mouth, nice really nice. I always mark out over gimmick, hardcore matches like this so this was my cup of tea, just like the Hardcore title was before the 24/7 rule (beginning of the end really). Unfortunately, Rhino had to pull out because of a family emergency.
  • Booker T & Kaz vs. Robert Roode & Christian Cage: There was straight up nothing memorable about it except that Kaz got me points on Stablewars for an appearance and a win. And Roode and Cage got me points for an appearance and a loss. That's about it.
  • Angle Alliance vs. Eric Young, Samoa Joe, & Kevin Nash: I hope TNA really learned their lesson with this one. They always thrust WWE dropouts and guys with histories of problems into the main event scene and then boom, they drop out and go. Samoa Joe did a really good shoot out in the ring, went over board but he even yelled at Dixie to fire him. Eric Young is now launched into all of this, probably just the break he was looking for. Ridiculously dumb match other than that.

Turning Point was really good, but a total disaster at other points. I look forward to the cases being opened this week on iMPACT!.

Raw's 15th Anniversary is going to be awesome and complete mark-out night for all. Trish, Lita, Stone Cold, Hogan (didn't he say he wasn't coming back?), and just about anybody else you can imagine. The Bisch even! 15 man battle royal tonight and I've got some predictions on who might be in for a competition but I'm wayyy too lazy to repeat them here. Word on the streets is that either Sid Vicious or Bret Hart is going to be there, but that's highly doubted. Carlito and Jeff Hardy ought to be interesting too.

Just a really good, mark-out night tonight. I'll post reactions afterward.