Sunday, January 13, 2008

Final Resolution Reactions, Show back to WWE, Harris & Killings to WWE, Current Rumble Participants

Here are my reactions to Final Resolution. Rather belated yes, but here they are none the less.
  • LAX vs. Rock n Rave Infection: This match was overall good and decent way to start off the PPV. The crowd popped huge when Shelly Martinez (or, as they call her in TNA, Selinas) made her debut. Christy Hemme's reaction was the greatest too. And, as usual, I liked Hernandez all during the match. Hernandez = Very talented individual.
  • Kaz vs. Black Reign: This match was overall decent. Kaz taking Black Reign's "arctic fox" was one of those head scratchers but I hope Marlina is happy with her newly decorated cage and new name. But, anyway, not my favorite match but definately interesting.
  • Gail Kim (c) vs. Awesome Kong (No DQ) (Knockouts Champ): I liked this match a lot. TNA is really pushing it's boundaries with it's women's division. They're doing stuff that WWE wouldn't even TRY to do. This match was REALLY good though, easily the show stealer on the PPV. There were a lot of rumors going around post-match that Gail Kim had hurt her knee after that hanging incident but those are not true. I loved this match, and WWE wouldn't dare to EVER main event their women's division either.
  • Judas Mesias vs. Abyss: I was completely blown away when Judas Mesias won this. I mean, Abyss has been manhandling everyone else but I guess Judas was just too much this time around. It's great to see Mesias back and especially since we finally saw the match that had such a huge build up. Almost lighting him on fire was pretty weird however, although it would have been interesting to see.
  • Booker T & Sharmell vs. Robert Roode & Ms. Brooks: Not my favorite match in the world, especially since Robert Roode forced Ms. Brooks to basicially follow him like a little sheep, as usual. Anyway, it wasn't that bad and I wasn't expecting Sharmell to go in at all, but she's the one who got the pin fall, unfortunately she was taken out by Robert Roode. I can't wait to see what Booker does to him, especially since Brooks is gone and this Peyton Banks chick is in.
  • MCMG & Jay Lethal vs. Team 3D & Johnny Devine: Holy schnikes! Johnny Devine almost died like 3 times in the duration of this match AND he ended up getting one of the injury Xes from the referee. Other than that, Guns did a good job selling their hand injuries and Team 3D thought with their heads when they did the Devon holds on the rope/Brother Ray walks idea. Anyway, I liked the match except for the ending. I could be biased however seeing as I'm a Johnny Devine fan.
  • AJ Styles & Tomko (c) vs. Kevin Nash & Samoa Joe (Tag Team Titles): Okay, so maybe I was wrong about Nash & Joe. Anyway, Nash just walking away is going to create some good "angry Joe" promos and some good Nash vs. Joe matches. I'm excited. It's really weird seeing AJ on one side with Tomko his estranged partner, like they still talk but AJ is all with Kurt and Tomko is just off on his own. It's just a really strange way for things to run.
  • Kurt Angle (c) vs. Christian Cage (Heavyweight Title): I was right on one thing, this match rode on who AJ chose, and personally I think AJ made a pretty bad decision. Nonetheless, this match was all Cage until AJ "stabbed him in the back". I liked the match and hopefully Cage gets another title shot.

Now that's enough of that. Onto news ..

There was a rumor going that WWE signed a multi-time world champion and there was a lot going around about who it would be. The next rumor that went around: Paul "Big Show" Wright would be making his return to the WWE ring. If he is indeed coming back, I'm excited, probably one of my favorite wrestlers and even though he maybe skinnier he's still the Big Show. Big Show vs. Mark Henry or Big Daddy V anyone?

One of the current rumors going around is that WWE has signed Ron Killings to a contract. Other than that, nothing else (to me anyway) is known. I'll keep you update.

A lot of people are saying that Chris Harris, who is officially done with TNA, has signed with WWE but there are a lot of conflicting reports. Some are saying he signed a regular deal and a few people are saying that his agent has only signed some type of deal with WWE. No matter what, even if his agent did sign a deal, he's still probably going to WWE anyway. I can't wait to see him back on my television screen and hopefully not whiny. Also, his old AMW partner James Storm inked a new contract with TNA.

Here is a list of the people who are already confirmed on as participants in the Royal Rumble: Umaga, Snitsky, Hardcore Holly, The Miz, John Morrison, Hornswoggle, Mick Foley, Batista, Undertaker, Kane, Jamie Noble, Finley, Cody Rhodes, Carlito, & Santino Marella. I'll keep you updated on participants as they're announced.

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