Sunday, October 28, 2007

Cyber Sunday Predictions

I'm posting everyday from now on. Even when no real news is there, just whatever.

These predictions could get hairy so bare with me people.

  • Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels or Mr. Kennedy (WWE Title): Kennedy has no shot in hell after his steroids issue. Shawn Michaels is a definate shoe in for it, but if he does get voted in he won't win because of his knees. Jeff Hardy has a huge shoe in for it too buttttt, he won't win it because of his current title reign. PROBABLE WINNER: RANDY ORTON
  • Batista vs. Undertaker (World Heavyweight Title) (With Referee of JBL, Stone Cold or Mick Foley): This really doesn't matter. Batista is keeping the title fair and square. We shouldn't drop it to Taker so hastily. Keep this going and you'll have a good feud on your hands. As far as referees go, it's either going to be Foley or Austin. Nobody likes JBL and as Randy Orton so nicely put it, "If they don't like you, they won't vote for you." PROBABLE WINNER: BATISTA
  • CM Punk vs. BDV, John Morrison, or The Miz - Definately not BDV, people like CM Punk and that's like throwing him to the wolves. The most likely person chosen is Morrison and Morrison will get the title if he does go in. If Miz is voted in, we'll probably see some Balls Mahoney in there but I predict Morrison going in and winning. PROBABLE WINNER: MORRISON
  • MVP vs. Matt Hardy (US Title) (MMA, Wrestling, or Boxing Match): I'm sure everyone is going to vote MMA or Wrestling because they all want Hardy to win and Boxing doesn't go so great for him. Butttt, Hardy might be dropped tonight after the injury he sustained at Smackdown (which was legit, that huge cut on his head is legit and on accident). His head got caught on Rey Rey's leg brace and he got cut open. Anyway, I think MVP is keeping the title. If they do drop this, this would the second consecutive last minute PPV roster switch because of injury creative would have made. PROBABLE WINNER: MVP
  • Triple H vs. Umaga (Street Fight, No DQ, or First Blood match): It's definately going to Triple H and it's going to be a First Blood or Street Fight. PROBABLE WINNER: TRIPLE H
  • Rey Mysterio vs. Finley (Shilleglah on a Pole, Stretcher, or No DQ): You've got to be joking me, what a stupid match. Seriously. All of the concept matches for this suck. This match sucks so much I won't even make a prediction on it.
  • Halloween Costume Contest (Mickie James, Melina, Maria, Victoria, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool, Kelly Kelly, Layla, Brooke): It's going to break down and there will be no winner. We're going to have a huge cat fight. It'll be pretty funny to watch. PROBABLE WINNER: ALL NON-GAY MEN OF THE WORLD

I hate this PPV.

Oh, and who's ready for Chris Jericho?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

My thoughts no a few things .. Lesnar Signs with UFC

I've got a few things to get off my chest.

1. TNA is going to become the next WCW. With The Outsiders returning and more power hungry wrestlers winning over a very lax owner something bad is bound to happen. Then we've got Vince Russo, one of the main people blamed for the fall of WCW. The whole formula just smells fishy. Something really bad is going to happen and my feelings are if Dixie/Angle/Russo win then TNA will be on a gradual slide and will soon see the same WCW fate. Go Jarrett!

2. ECW is done by the end of the year. There is no salvaging it. It'll become just as insignificant as Heat and Velocity. We might as well start the next book, The Rise and Fall of ECW Pt. 2. It's gonna be unfortunate but what did you expect? They advertise it under ECW but they treat it like it's WWE. Why can't we go back to what ECW was? ECW had an attitude where you could ask fans in the front row to hand you their chair and you wouldn't get pulled aside by Paul Heyman afterward. It was an environment that just bred insanity, which is what ECW was all about. Thanks Vince, for further massacring ECW. It's appreciated.

In better news, it was revealed at UFC 77 last night Brock Lesnar has finally signed a deal with UFC. No details are known about his debut date or his debut opponent. Good luck to him, from what I hear he's really good at it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

School Sucks .. Booker, Sharmell FINALLY Released .. CM Punk, Maria Done .. Couture vs. Emelianenko? .. PPV Prediction Results for BFG and More

I'm so behind from school, so I apologize if this is really really amazingly long, but when you're behind it's what must be done.

The word is out from "King" Booker and "Queen" Sharmell have been released. I'm not sure who didn't see this coming but I know I did. More on releases, Daivari was released as was Teddy Hart, which completely screws up the New Hart Foundation type of thing they were looking for. We shall have to see where this goes.

Maria said in an interview that CM Punk and herself have been broken up for about 4 months. This should be good news to many guys around the world. And chicks as well.

Randy Couture vs. Fedor Emelianenko could still happen. Cage Fighting Championships (CFC) is offering $3 mil to get these two to go at it for them. $1 million up front for each fighter and then the other $1 million going to the winner. I'm cheering and rooting this one, but unfortunately they are going to showing it on PPV and I don't have a shot at buying PPV. This sucks.

My Bound for Glory picks were near perfect! I got them all right except for Jay Lethal vs. Christopher Daniels. I then noticed a pattern which was confirmed later by, they always let the face win so the people can go home happy. Not one heel won last night, that's a little abnormal and I hope we see some type of revenge from the heels on TNA this week and next week. Hmm, Raven hunting down Abyss anyone?

According to Armando Estrada and Vicki Guerrero have been in "talks" about unifying both ECW and Smackdown so all talent can appear on both shows. This could mean one thing, ECW could be once again on it's way out. SciFi hasn't been really impressed with it's rating supposedly although it's one the highest rated shows on their network. This is completely ridiculous. If you're going to combine brands, do it Attitude Era style and have it all together. Obviously this brand extension stuff isn't working. WWE seriously needs a fire lit under it's ass, like TNA getting heavy ratings and moving to Monday night (which, in Vince's words, has "no chance in hell").

This is getting sickening seriously.

Sources (Yes I will be putting this in now because I've decided to be nice):

Sunday, October 07, 2007

No Mercy Predictions

For some reason this PPV sounds really boring. Anyway, predictions away!
  • ??? vs. ??? (for WWE Championship) - Hmm, the real question is, who's going to be in this match? My feelings are Orton and Kennedy. Kennedy was in a big push prior to his suspension and was set to win the title sometime later in the year or in 2008. Word is Orton was supposed to win it this time around. Another good idea I heard was Jericho vs. Orton, but that seems highly unlikely, although it would be very interesting. PROBABLE WINNER: RANDY ORTON
  • Batista (c) vs. Khali (World Heavyweight Championship [Punjabi Prison]) - Hmm, stupid gimmick match? I think so. This match just annoys me, the entire idea of a Punjabi Prison match just sickens me, it's something you'd throw Abyss in, not Batista and Khali. Anyway, I'm still pulling for Batista. PROBABLE WINNER: BATISTA
  • Triple H vs. Uma(n)ga - I still can't get over the fact that William Regal calls Umaga Umanga. But, that's besides the point. This match could get very interesting, with a few run-ins from VKM (not Voodoo Kin Mafia dummy) it should be interesting. My money's on Triple H however. PROBABLE WINNER: TRIPLE H
  • CM Punk (c) vs. Big Daddy V (ECW Heavyweight Championship): I think I've already made my point known on this match. PROBABLE WINNER: CM PUNK
  • Finley vs. Rey Mysterio - The build up for this match I've been missing because of field shows with the marching band *shakes head*. Anyway, I'm not really sure so I'll throw this one out randomly. PROBABLE WINNER: REY MYSTERIO
  • Candice Michelle (c) vs. Beth Phoenix (WWE Women's Championship) - This time around I think Phoenix has Candice's number. Seriously, Phoenix is going to beat some ass in this match no doubt about it. I know I've said this for the past Phoenix vs. Candice matches, but this time I've got an inkling I might be right. PROBABLE WINNER: BETH PHOENIX

Alright, interesting news outside of No Mercy. Hmmm, well James Mitchell is working on a new stable that will include Raven (wow, he's going to be a follower, how sad), Havok, Judas Mesias, and Black Reign. Something tells me this is just a mish-mash or Serotonin is just aligned with them for the meantime and Raven really isn't taking orders from anybody. Anyway, Monster's Ball involving Raven, Black Reign, Abyss, and Rhino. This is gonna be sweet.

The first two-hour iMPACT! rocked! I loved it!

TNA is in talks with a former Intercontinental and European Champion (WWE titles) according to their mobile service (which I need to subscribe to once I get a good phone). And by process of elimination that's either D'Lo Brown and RVD since the other guys are already under WWE contract or are under TNA contract. RVD is open to TNA while D'Lo is still hoping for a new shot with WWE, so we'll see.

I'm done, for now.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Cena Injured .. Possibilites for Replacement Match? .. Michaels might not be returning .. Predictions for Burke/Dreamer tonight

Well, I guess John Cena was really injured because this afternoon they finally pulled him from the No Mercy card and cancelled his big Last Man Standing match against Randy Orton. They're also going to be stripping him of the title. Which leaves us with this question, who will be in the new match? Of course, we know Randy Orton for a fact will be involved. But, by my going through process of elimination on the roster, I came up with his possible opponent being Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy tends to bust people's shoulders and Orton is "The Legend Killer" so it'll work out great. Plus, Kennedy has absolutely nothing to do at No Mercy, and all they need is one match out of him. He's back from suspension and they aren't going to award him with a title just yet. I'm know for a fact that Orton will get the title this time around. Trust me.

According to word Shawn Michaels may not be returning. The Game has been trying to talk him into it but Michaels just appears to want to stay home and spend time with his family. It's understandable, but don't leave us with such a sour taste in our mouths? Just at least come back for one last retirement match to make everyone happy.

It really doesn't matter who wins the Tommy Dreamer vs. Elijah Burke match tonight as for neither will win the title when they face CM Punk. CM Punk is supposed to drop the title back to John Morrison now that he's off suspension. I'm leaning for Burke to win however, but if Dreamer wins I'm sure that the 'ECW' chant will be heard 'round the world.

New Video (And More Stupid Theories)

Yes, tonight we got a new Y2J video, which makes me believe that we'll be getting a new one every week until something goes down. The new video now says 8.2.11/SAVIOR_SELF.

So, all together we have:

Am I the only one who noticed a play on words here?
Savior Self = Save Yourself

Maybe he's not coming back at No Mercy? Hmmm. Interesting.

I just heard a pretty outrageous theory, to me anyway, somebody is trying to pass it off as HBK, here is what was said since I couldn't put it in better terms (I got this from

The video tonight seemed to be more about HBK than Jericho. It said 8-2-11 alot. H being the 8th letter of the alphabet, B being second, and K being 11th. It also said grand slam, HBK being the first ever grand slam champ. The Savior thing could also have something to do with the ultra religious HBK. It also said big show and no one turns it up for a big PPV like the Showstopper. Last week I'd say was about Jericho, this week seemed to be about HBK.

I just think that's over thinking. So now the possiblities are Chris Jericho, The New Hart Foundation (highly doubted), and HBK (even more highly doubted since HBK wants to stay home with his family longer).

That's about all for now.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Crazy Week in Wrestling

Here is the week basically in a summary with bullets because if I wrote paragraphs they'd be long and tedious.

  • All of the suspended WWE superstars are going to be off suspension.
  • Mr. Kennedy is set to be wrestling tonight.
  • Of course the Triple H vs. Mr. McMahon match.
  • We'll also be seeing the furthering of the Mr. Kennedy is a McMahon storyline.
  • More information on the SAVE_US.222.
  • Return of Stone Cold Steve Austin was a program with Santino


  • Since the ECW roster only has 13 active wrestlers beginning this week they'll be calling up all kinds of people from OVW according to sources to supplement. So, seeing new people will be great.


  • Of course the fact it's going to 2 hours!
  • We'll be seeing all of our favorite jobbers (which is just a guess since I haven't read the spoilers).


  • Suspended wrestlers returning.
  • New Hart Foundation expected to come up to Smackdown (just not this week but eventually).
  • What the plans on with Vickie Guerrero. How is she going to handle being interim GM?
  • What's going to happen to Kristal? Is she moving to Raw?
  • How is Teddy fairing?

This is a huge week. Look out for some good stuff.