Sunday, December 16, 2007

Armageddon Predictions

Here are my predictions about tonight's WWE Armageddon 2007 PPV:
  • Finley vs. Great Khali: I'm all for Finley on this one, it's going to take some tricky manuevering from him and Hornswoggle but I got the feeling that they've got it. I mean, Khali has been attacking him for the past two weeks and it only makes sense that Finley just goes for it and wins. So yeah, Finley all the way. PROBABLE WINNER: FINLEY
  • Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy: Shawn Michaels must pull this off, no possible way he can lose to Kennedy. Kennedy has been trying to play mindgames I think the only time the guy playing mindgames actually won, was maybe 2-3 years ago in a match I probably don't even remember (I definately don't remember). Shawn Michaels for the win on this one. PROBABLE WINNER: SHAWN MICHAELS
  • CM Punk & Kane vs. Big Daddy V & Mark Henry: Who didn't this match coming? I had a feeling they were going to have this kind of match on PPV, because we all know the ECW title isn't worth defending on a PPV scale. Dumbies. Anyway, I got the feeling that CM Punk and Kane are going to pull off a victory on this one. Yeah, BDV & Henry are HUGE AND they've got Matt Striker, but CM Punk and Kane have a little bit of momentum going into this and I think it's enough to carry them. PROBABLE WINNERS: CM PUNK & KANE
  • Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy (Winner gets a shot at the WWE Championship at Royal Rumble): Easy one, the Hardys always get screwed therefore Triple H has this. We all know the Hardys have the talent, they just haven't been given a full on main event set-up and they're starting to get it now (at least one of them is) but I don't think they're going to get carried to the title. Plus, Triple H only sees one thing in his life: gold. PROBABLE WINNER: TRIPLE H
  • Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Mickie James (WWE Women's Championship): We all know that Mickie James is going to be injured in the process of this match, win or lose. Anyway, welllll .. I really don't know. I would love to say Beth Phoenix keeps it so that Candice Michelle can win it back, and that would make sense. So, I'll go with that. PROBABLE WINNER: BETH PHOENIX
  • MVP (c) vs. Rey Mysterio (US Championship): Oddly enough, I think MVP is gonna keep it, he could end up saving it for the return of Matt Hardy BUT Rey could win it and then lose it back to MVP. Hmm, this is a toughie. For the record, I'll say MVP. PROBABLE WINNER: MVP
  • Randy Orton (c) vs. Chris Jericho (WWE Championship): Chris Jericho just got here, and I think he needs to stay out of the title picture at the moment. Keep him as a mid-carder/upper mid-carder and then just build him up. Plus, they should build up Randy Orton as unstoppable a little bit more too. Therefore, Randy Orton will come out victorious tonight. PROBABLE WINNER: RANDY ORTON
  • Batista (c) vs. Undertaker vs. Edge (Triple Threat) (World Championship): Oh damn, I have a really good feeling that Batista is not leaving the champ tonight, it's just that simple. And Edge is on a roll but he just got off injury so why throw the strap on him right after he gets back? I say give it to Undertaker, overcome the adversity of Vickie and Edge and finally beat Batista for the title with Edge legally being involved. Taker is gonna be the new champion leaving Armageddon. PROBABLE WINNER: UNDERTAKER

And that's about it for Armageddon. I'll post my reactions after the PPV and a little bit of news later.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Small Break, Predictions/Reactions Still to Come

I'm taking a minor break for this weekend and only posting the reactions/predictions for tomorrow's Armageddon PPV. On Monday, I'll kick it all back off with news everyday because I seriously need something new to do with my time.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Delayed Turning Point Reactions ..15th Anniversary Information ... The Truth is Gone from TNA

Here are my delayed Turning Point reactions. Dude, I suck so bad.

  • ODB & Roxxi Leveaux vs. Angelina Love & Velvet Sky: I was a little taken a back by this match but may be they could step over the one storyline women's boundary and start something here? Decent match however. ODB and the "liquid courage" never quit.
  • Team 3D & Johnny Devine vs. MCMG & Jay Lethal: Holy crap I wasn't expecting that! This has got me excited and seeing Johnny Devine is great, I really like that guy and not only as a wrestler. Anyway, they still have the title even after the ladder match. It's good stuff and go Team 3D! Teach MCMG how to play the game!
  • Feast or Fired: Well, Petey Williams, Senshi, Scott Steiner, and BG James. Hot damn this'll be interesting. But, with Christopher Daniel's winning the departing Senshi's briefcase I can't wait to see how this turns out. And Matt Morgan needs to stay more on top of this stuff!
  • Eric Young vs. James Storm: Textbook, just didn't see the miscommunications coming in there.
  • Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong: Holy crap she lost it! Best match on the card, this feud is really good so they should keep it going. Plus, both of these chicks can wrestle a great match.
  • Abyss & Raven vs. Black Reign & Rellik: Raven on the face side of this match? What is this? I was really confused by this but I marked out anyway because it's Raven, and that's just how I am about him. Anyway, Rellik jammed tacks in Raven's mouth, nice really nice. I always mark out over gimmick, hardcore matches like this so this was my cup of tea, just like the Hardcore title was before the 24/7 rule (beginning of the end really). Unfortunately, Rhino had to pull out because of a family emergency.
  • Booker T & Kaz vs. Robert Roode & Christian Cage: There was straight up nothing memorable about it except that Kaz got me points on Stablewars for an appearance and a win. And Roode and Cage got me points for an appearance and a loss. That's about it.
  • Angle Alliance vs. Eric Young, Samoa Joe, & Kevin Nash: I hope TNA really learned their lesson with this one. They always thrust WWE dropouts and guys with histories of problems into the main event scene and then boom, they drop out and go. Samoa Joe did a really good shoot out in the ring, went over board but he even yelled at Dixie to fire him. Eric Young is now launched into all of this, probably just the break he was looking for. Ridiculously dumb match other than that.

Turning Point was really good, but a total disaster at other points. I look forward to the cases being opened this week on iMPACT!.

Raw's 15th Anniversary is going to be awesome and complete mark-out night for all. Trish, Lita, Stone Cold, Hogan (didn't he say he wasn't coming back?), and just about anybody else you can imagine. The Bisch even! 15 man battle royal tonight and I've got some predictions on who might be in for a competition but I'm wayyy too lazy to repeat them here. Word on the streets is that either Sid Vicious or Bret Hart is going to be there, but that's highly doubted. Carlito and Jeff Hardy ought to be interesting too.

Just a really good, mark-out night tonight. I'll post reactions afterward.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

TNA Turning Point PPV Predictions

Yep, I'm back to give my predictions for tomorrow's Turning Point PPV. Here goes.
  • Feast or Fired (3 Titles Shot [ON A POLE], 1 pink slip [ON A POLE]): This match is totally Vince Russo from start to finish. Anyway, it's basically a battle royal with three winners winning a title shot at the X Division, Tag Team, or the Heavyweight title. So far the 15 people involved have not been announced so with the three choices I've gotta take a wild guess and for the guy who's losing once again a while guess. Anyway, I'll throw my hat into this and say Christopher Daniels for the X, Hernandez for the Tag, Chris Harris for the Heavyweight title, and Raven to be fired. Unfortunately, for Raven, it just has to be that way. WINNERS: DANIELS, HERNANDEZ, HARRIS///LOSER: RAVEN
  • ODB & Roxxi Leveaux vs. Angelina Love & Velvet Sky: Onto the women who were given stupid names. Anyway, ODB and Roxxi are the toughest chicks in the new division but you can't count out the other two who might just lie, cheat and steal their way to victory in style. I'm leaning towards Love & Sky for this one, they just seem like the shoe in for it. Buttt, ODB and Roxxi sound good too....Hmmm...Ehhh, I'll say ODB & Roxxi. Roxxi has VKM in her corner so they could swing things in their favor. WINNERS: ODB AND ROXXI LEVEAUX
  • Eric Young vs. James Storm: This is really interesting and I like how this match came about. Eric Young is gonna win this, he's beat Storm at drinking so why not in a match? WINNER: ERIC YOUNG
  • Booker T & Kaz vs. Robert "It Pays To Be" Roode & Christian Cage: With the Coalition being over and Styles trying everything in his power to make it up to Cage it's a pretty good guess that Styles is gonna come down to the ring and really screw everything up. Ms. Brooks could have her final run in with the fan and officially be fired. Brooks could cost the match too. Therefore, Kaz & Booker have this, plus Booker is on a push right now since coming and you can't losing an entry PPV match, just not possible. Kaz is on a roll too. So, Kaz & Booker for the win (ftw). WINNERS: KAZ & BOOKER T
  • Abyss & Rhino vs. Blackdust & Rellik (Match of 10,000 Tacks): What is up with TNA putting Rhino with all the freaks of the place? What? Are they trying to make him look like one of them because it's not working and even if it did it would be an awful gimmick. Anyway, Abyss has the momentum as does Rhino, therefore they will pull off the victory tonight. Plus neither Blackdust or Rellik have won a match against either on PPV. They also seem like a really unorganized team. I wouldn't mind seeing the return of Mesias either. WINNERS: RHINO & ABYSS
  • Team 3D & Johnny Devine vs. Motor City Machine Guns & Jay Lethal (Tables Match): Team 3D & Devine will lose and the guys will get the title back. It's as simple as that and needs no explanation. You can't have a match at the beginning of the night to find out who gets the title shot if the champion doesn't have the title. WINNERS: MCMG & JAY LETHAL
  • Gail Kim (c) vs. Awesome Kong (Women's Title): Awesome has this, we do need a new champ but I'm sure after this Kim will get it back. Buttt...Kim could find a way. Ehh, I don't know, I think I'll go back to Gail Kim. WINNER: GAIL KIM
  • The Angle Alliance vs. Hall, Nash, and Samoan Joseph: Hmm, wow. I'm not sure on this one. I'd love to say the Angle Alliance but with Tomko injured who knows who the replacement will be. Anyway, Hall's return and with the way Joe has been wrestling lately they've got this. WINNERS: HALL, NASH & SAMOAN JOSEPH

Wow, thanks to TNA for being predictable that was amazingly easy. I'll be back later with news and hopefully you catch the PPV tomorrow. I'll post my thoughts on it either on Monday or directly after the PPV.